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科学博士的故事-The Story of Dr. Frankenstein

[日期:2008-08-31]   [字体: ]
The Story of Dr. Frankenstein
                        高二(13)班 翁逸琴       

When I was a child,I always dreamt of finding out the secret of various phenomena in the world.
After entering the university,  I pioneered a way to explore the cause of life.  At last, I found the way to create life, and after a long time of hard work, I succeeded in creating a being, which was more like a monster than a man.
When he opened his eyes, it seemed that he was very hungry, as he started to search my laboratory and tried to find something to eat.
I was scared to death when he rested his eyes on me. “Oh dear, I’m not his food. Who can save me! ” I thought. But nobody came to help me.
He came up to me directly. I felt as if Death were waving his hands to me. Suddenly I heard a strange sound that was just like a crack of a bone. At the same time he stopped——he fell to the ground.
Exactly it was I myself who saved me. I made a mistake when putting the bones into the big man’s left leg.
Before he could stand up, I raised the gun and killed him without hesitation. I knew very well that if I hadn’t killed him I would have been killed.
It was lucky that my creation was not a perfect one. After all, that was my first creation. Maybe, I should create a gentleman next time.
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