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[日期:2008-09-03]   [字体: ]

But the 1)incredulous Stuart was not convinced, “It must be confessed, Mr. Ralph, that you’ve found a funny way of saying that the world has grown smaller! Because the tour of it is now made in three months.”

“In eighty days only,” said Phileas Fogg.

“Yes, gentlemen,” added John Sullivan, “This is true. Here is the calculation made by the ‘Morning 2)Chronicle’:

From London to Suez 3)via Mont Cenis and Brindisi, by rail and 4)steamers ... 7 days

From Suez to Bombay, steamer ... 13 days

From Bombay to Calcutta, rail is 3 days

From Calcutta to Hong-Kong (China), steamer is 13 days

From Hong-Kong to Yokohama (Japan), steamer ... 6 days

From Yokohama to San Francisco, steamer ... 22 days

From San Francisco to New York, rail ... 7 days

From New York to London, steamer and rail ... 9 days

Total 80 days.”

“Yes, eighty days!” exclaimed Andrew Stuart, who, by 5)inattention, made a wrong 6)deal, “but not including bad weather, contrary winds, 7)shipwrecks, running off the track, etc.”

“Everything included,” replied Phileas Fogg, continuing to play, for this time the discussion no longer respected the game.

Andrew Stuart, whose turn it was to deal, gathered up the cards, saying: “Oh, 8)theoretically, you are right, Mr. Fogg, but 9)practically?”

“Practically also, Mr. Stuart.”

“Well, make it, then!”

“The tour of the world in eighty days?”


“I am willing.”


“At once. Only I warn you that I shall do it at your expense.”

“But it is folly!” cried Stuart, who was beginning to be 10)vexed at the persistence of his partner. “Stop! Let us play rather.”

“Deal again, then,” replied Phileas Fogg, “for there is a false deal.”

Andrew Stuart 11)took up the cards again with a 12)feverish hand; then suddenly, placing them upon the table, he said:” Well, Mr. Fogg, do it; and I bet four thousand pounds!”

“My dear Stuart,” said Fallentin, “13)compose yourself. It’s not serious.”

“When I say - ‘I bet’,” replied Andrew Stuart, “It is always serious.”

“So be it,” said Mr. Fogg, and then, turning to his 14)companions, continued: “I have twenty thousand pounds 15)deposited at Baring Brothers. I will willingly risk them.”

“Twenty thousand pounds!” cried John Sullivan.

“Twenty thousand pounds, which an 16)unforeseen delay may make you lose.”

“The unforeseen does not exist,” replied Phileas Fogg quietly.

“But, Mr. Fogg, this period of eighty days is calculated only as a 17)minimum of time.”

“A minimum well employed 18)suffices for everything.”

“But in order not to exceed it, you must jump 19)mathematically from the trains into the steamers, and then from the steamers upon the trains!”

“I will jump mathematically. I bet twenty thousand pounds against who will, but I will make the tour of the world in eighty days or less - that is, nineteen hundred and twenty hours, or one hundred and fifteen thousand two hundred minutes. Do you accept?”

“We accept,” replied Messrs. Stuart, Fallentin, Sullivan, Flaniagan, and Ralph, after having 20)consulted.

“Very well,” said Mr. Fogg, “The Dover train starts at eighty forty-five. I shall take it.”

“This very evening?” asked Stuart.

“This very evening,” replied Phileas Fogg. Then he added, consulting a pocket 21)almanac, “since today is Wednesday, the second of October, I ought to be back in London, in this very 22)saloon of the Reform Club, on Saturday, the twenty-first of December, at eight forty-five in the evening. In 23)default of which the twenty thousand pounds at present deposited to my credit with Baring Brothers will belong to you, gentlemen, in fact and by right. Here is a 24)cheque of like 25)amount.”

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