The food here doesn't see to aGREe with me.
2. 你有没有看到座位上的钥匙?
Do you happen to see the key on the seat?
3. 我懂你说的意思,但我不能同意。
I see what you mean but I cann't aGREe with you.
4. 梦想容易实现难。
It's easier to dream than to achieve.
5. 只要你想的到,只要你相信,你就能做的到。
Whatever your mind can conceive and believe,your mind can achieve.
6. 请随时给我打电话。
Please feel free to call me.
7. 请保密。
Keep it a secret between you and me.
8. 树林中吹来怡人的微风。
There is a nice breeze between the trees.
Congratulations to my dear friends all of the China. You did it!Maybe the tapes are bald,but I contest this it the best way to learn. Close your books,close your eyes,relax and repeat. The bone(?)you know it ,you have been speaking a good English.Good luck!