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Valentine's Day(浪漫情人节)

[日期:2009-02-14]   [字体: ]

To impress your loved ones this Valentine's Day, why not try some other alternatives instead of the usual bunch of hastily-purchased flowers or a box of chocolates? We spare no pains in the Focus to present crooning lovers a more meaningful love festival that differs from others.


Saint Valentine relates his story

   Priest Valentine relates his story   

There are varying versions as to the origin of Valentine's Day. This year, we invite the priest Valentine to tell of his moving story that happened in the days of Emperor Claudius. It is about worldly love and the holy mission.



A bride and groom take a photo in front of a wall in Paris, which is dotted with the words "I LOVE YOU" in 311 different languages.

  Say "I Love you" in different languages

Close your eyes and picture an emotional image: You proclaim your love to the God-blessed beloved in 311 different languages on the day of Valentine… The odds are that your tongues would have been held up by a deep kiss from your swooning sweetheart before you could accomplish the grand cause. Maybe, on the moment you say the divine words in the 17th language.

闭上眼睛,想像一副画面:情人节那天,你用世界上311种语言对你的爱人说"我爱你"… 他或她会是什么反应?实事上,不等你说到第311个时(也或许是第17个),爱人或许就已用热吻把你剩余的语言全部吞咽了。

Read love "code" by means of countries' name。

  Read love "code" by means of countries' name

Linguists would probably shed their tears when coming up with the coined love "code." For all novelty, the absurd "Chinglish" should have been condemned. However, in the name of true LOVE, we beg Muse for a pardon on this Valentine's Day.


Convey the immortal emotions through poetical numbers。

  Convey the immortal emotions through poetical numbers

For centuries, these memorable love poems have been in circulation among lovers around the world. In the year of 2006, we collect some of best classical lines in the hopes of elevating your amorous experiences.

几个世纪以来,这些优美的诗行一直被世人传颂... 2006年情人节来临之际,我们精选了公元前11世纪至18世纪以来的爱情佳句,希望您能喜欢。


alternative: existing outside traditional or established institutions or systems(存在于传统或现存体制系统以外的选择方式)

crooning: (哝哝低语的)

as to: (关于)

picture: to form a mental image of; visualize (构想,想象使…形成视觉形象)

odds: the likelihood of the occurrence of one thing rather than the occurrence of another thing(可能性)

swoon:a state of ecstasy or rapture(狂喜,欣喜若狂或极高兴的状态)

shed one's tears:(流泪)

for all :尽管

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