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1)a bit, a little, rather, much, far, by far, many, a lot, lots, a great deal, any, still, even等
3)以上词(除by far)外,必须置于比较级形容词或副词的前面。
1) ---- Are you feeling ____? 
   ---- Yes,I'm fine now.
 A. any well B. any better C. quite good
 D. quite better  
 答案:B. any 可修饰比较级,quite修饰原级
(06/10/2006 00:09:28) [查看全文]
You are taller than I.
    They lights in your room are as bright as those in mine.
   (错) He is more cleverer than his brother.
   (对) He is more clever than his brother.
   (对) He is clever than his brother.
   (错) China is larger that any country in Asia.
   (对) China i
(06/10/2006 00:09:28) [查看全文]
1)在否定句或疑问句中可用so… as。
   He cannot run so/as fast as you.
2)当as… as 中间有名词时采用以下格式。
    as +形容词+ a +单数名词
    as + many/much +名词
   This is as good an example as the other is.
   I can carry as much paper as you can..
  This room is twice as big as that one.
  Your room is the same size
(06/10/2006 00:09:28) [查看全文]
  限定词--数词--描绘词--(大小,长短,形状,新旧,颜色) --出处--材料性质,类别--名词
   a small round table
   a tall gray building
   a dirty old brown shirt
   a famous German medical school
   an expensive Japanese
(04/29/2006 07:34:00) [查看全文]
  限定词--数词--描绘词--(大小,长短,形状,新旧,颜色) --出处--材料性质,类别--名词
   a small round table
   a tall gray building
   a dirty old brown shirt
   a famous German medical school
   an expensive Japanese
(04/29/2006 07:34:00) [查看全文]
1) 某些形容词加上定冠词可以泛指一类人,与谓语动词的复数连接。如:the dead,the living,the rich,the poor,the blind,the hungry
   The poor are losing hope.
2) 有关国家和民族的形容词加上定冠词指这个民族的整体,与动词的复数连用。
   the British,the English,the French,the Chinese.
   The English
(04/29/2006 07:03:00) [查看全文]
1) 大部分形容词加-ly可构成副词。但 friendly,deadly,lovely,lonely,likely,lively,ugly,brotherly,仍为形容词。
 改错:(错) She sang lovely.
    (错) He spoke to me very friendly.
    (对) Her singing was lovely.
    (对) He spoke to me in a
(04/29/2006 07:03:00) [查看全文]
1) 直接说明事物的性质或特征的形容词是性质形容词,它有级的变化,可以用程度副词修饰,在句中可作定语、表语和补语。例如:hot 热的。
2) 叙述形容词只能作表语,所以又称为表语形容词。这类形容词没有级的变化,也不可用程度副词修饰。大多数以a开头的形容词都属于这一类。例如:afraid 害怕的。
   (错) He is an ill man.
   (对) The man is ill.
   (错) She
(04/29/2006 07:03:00) [查看全文]
1)historic: famous in history, 历史上著名的 associated with past times 与过去时代有关的
a ~ event/speech/spot
historical: belong to history 历史上的
a ~ people/novel/play/film/painting
~ trend
2) electric: worked by, changed with, producing electricity 用电的,带电的, 有电的
(04/05/2006 08:28:00) [查看全文]
语法 (235)
  名词 (9)
  冠词和数词 (7)
  代词 (18)
  形容词和副词 (24)
  动词 (17)
  动名词 (2)
  动词不定式 (17)
  特殊词精讲 (13)
  分词 (9)
  独立主格 (3)
  动词的时态 (27)
  动词的语态 (9)
  句子的种类 (7)
  倒装 (7)
  主谓一致 (6)
  虚拟语气 (11)
  名词性从句 (7)
  定语从句 (10)
  状语从句 (10)
  连词 (7)
  情态动词 (15)
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