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《War And Peace》 Book3 CHAPTER VI by Leo Tolstoy IT was a long while since the Rostovs had had news of their Nikolushka. But in the middle of the winter a letter was handed to Count Rostov, on the envelope of which he recognised his son's handwriting. On receiving the letter the count, (02/21/2008 06:19:35) [查看全文] 《战争与和平》 第三部 第五章 作者:列夫·托尔斯泰 大家都四散了,除开阿纳托利一上床就立刻睡着而外,这一夜没有谁不是很久才入睡的。 “难道他——这个陌生、貌美而又慈善的男人就是我的丈夫吗?主要的是,他很慈善,”公爵小姐玛丽亚想道,一种她几乎从未感觉到的恐惧把她控制住了。她害怕向四面打量,她仿佛觉得有人站帏围屏后面昏暗的角落。而这个人就是他——魔鬼,而他就是这个额头雪白、眉毛乌黑、嘴唇绯红的男人。 她按铃把侍女喊来,要侍女在她房里睡觉。 这天夜里布里安小姐在花房里来回地踱了很 (02/21/2008 06:19:34) [查看全文] 《War And Peace》 Book3 CHAPTER V by Leo Tolstoy THEY ALL WENT to their rooms, and except Anatole, who fell asleep the instant he got into bed, no one could get to sleep for a long while that night. “Can he possibly be—my husband, that stranger, that handsome, kind man; yes, he is (02/21/2008 06:19:33) [查看全文] 《战争与和平》 第三部 第四章 作者:列夫·托尔斯泰 当公爵玛丽亚小姐走进屋里来的时候,瓦西里公爵和他的儿子已经呆在客厅里了,他们父子正跟矮小的公爵夫人和布里安小姐交谈。当她踮着后跟、拖着沉重的脚步走进来的时候,男人们和布里安小姐都欠起身子,矮小的公爵夫人在男人们面前指着她,说道:“VoilàMarie!”①公爵小姐玛丽亚看见众人,她看得非常仔细。她看见瓦西里公爵的面孔,在他看见她的时候,他脸上有一阵子显得严肃,但立即微微一笑。她还看见矮小的公爵夫人的面庞,公爵夫人怀着好奇的心情从客人们的脸上观察到玛丽给客人们造成的印象。她看见布里安小姐系着绸带,面容俊俏,把她那前所未有的兴奋的目光集中在他身上; (02/21/2008 06:16:35) [查看全文] 《War And Peace》 Book3 CHAPTER IV by Leo Tolstoy WHEN PRINCESS MARYA went into the room, Prince Vassily and his son were already in the drawing-room, talking to the little princess and Mademoiselle Bourienne. When she walked in with her heavy step, treading on her heels, the ge (02/21/2008 06:16:34) [查看全文] 《战争与和平》 第三部 第三章 作者:列夫·托尔斯泰 一八○五年十二月间,尼古拉·安德烈伊奇·博尔孔斯基老公爵接到瓦西里公爵一封信,通知他,说他将偕同儿子前来造访。“我去各地视察,为晋谒您——晋谒至为尊敬的恩人,我认为走一百俄里路,自然不是走冤枉路,”他写道,“我的阿纳托利陪我同行,他就要入伍了。我希望,您能允许他亲自向您表示深厚的敬意。因为他效法父亲,所以他对您怀有深厚的敬意。” “用不着把玛丽(即是玛丽亚)送到门外去,求婚的男子亲自会走到我们家里来。”矮小的公爵夫人听到这席话后,冒失地说道。 尼古拉·安德烈伊奇公爵 (02/21/2008 06:16:33) [查看全文] 《War And Peace》 Book3 CHAPTER III by Leo Tolstoy IN THE DECEMBER of 1805, the old Prince Nikolay Andreitch Bolkonsky received a letter from Prince Vassily, announcing that he intended to visit him with his son. (“I am going on an inspection tour, and of course a hundred versts is only (02/21/2008 06:16:32) [查看全文] 《战争与和平》 第三部 第二章 作者:列夫·托尔斯泰 一八○五年十一月,瓦西里公爵要到四个省份去视察。他给自己布置了这项任务,目的是要顺便去看看他那衰败的领地。他带着儿子阿纳多利(在他的兵团的驻地),和他一道去拜看尼古拉·安德烈耶维奇·博尔孔斯基公爵,目的是要儿子娶到这个有钱的老头的女儿。但是在启行去办理这几件新事以前,瓦西里公爵务必要为皮埃尔处理一些事情。迩来皮埃尔整天价呆在家中,即是呆在他所居住的瓦西里公爵家中,消磨时光。海伦在场的时候,他显得荒唐可笑、激动而愚蠢(热恋的人自然会露出这副样子),但是他还没有提出求婚的事。 “Toutcaestleeletbo (02/21/2008 06:16:31) [查看全文] 《War And Peace》 Book3 CHAPTER II by Leo Tolstoy IN THE DECEMBER of 1805, the old Prince Nikolay Andreitch Bolkonsky received a letter from Prince Vassily, announcing that he intended to visit him with his son. (“I am going on an inspection tour, and of course a hundred versts is only (02/21/2008 06:16:30) [查看全文] 《战争与和平》 第三部 第一章 作者:列夫·托尔斯泰 瓦西里公爵不去周密地考虑自己的计划,他更少地想到谋求私利和作出危害他人的事。他不过是个上流社会人士,在上流社会中颇有造诣,并且习惯于借取这样的成就。他经常斟酌情形,在与人们建立密切关系时拟订出各种计划,提出自己的见解,他自己虽然不太了解,但是它们却已构成他的生活中的一种情趣。不是一两个,而是几十个这样的计划和设想常常付诸实施,其中有一些在他脑际开始浮现,另一些正在实行,还有一些要被废除。比如,他没有对自己说过这种话:“目前这个人有权有势,我应该获得他的信任,与他建立友谊关系,借助于他捞到一笔津贴;”或者说,他没有对自己说过这种话:“皮埃尔十分富 (02/21/2008 06:16:29) [查看全文] 《War And Peace》 Book3 CHAPTER I by Leo Tolstoy PRINCE VASSILY used not to think over his plans. Still less did he think of doing harm to others for the sake of his own interest. He was simply a man of the world, who had been successful in the world, and had formed a habit of being (02/21/2008 06:16:28) [查看全文] ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - President Pervez Musharraf will not step down as head of state and intends to serve out his five-year-term, his spokesman says, despite a sweeping election victory (02/21/2008 06:16:24) [查看全文] The UK has a proud Paralympic heritage, and London 2012 will set new standards for inclusion and accessibility in every aspect of the Games. The Paralympic Movement has its origins here when neurologist Sir Ludwig Guttman organised the first wheelchair Games at Stoke Mandeville Hospital to coincide with the 1948 London Olympics. Las (02/21/2008 06:16:23) [查看全文] 1月29日,英国苏格兰东北部的设得兰群岛举行了一年一度的“维京火祭”。夜幕降临,在一片欢呼声中,“维京战士”将火把扔向战船。霎时火光冲天,战船燃烧成巨大的火球,传说牺牲的“维京战士”和他的战船会在烈火中获得永生。 Vikings take part in the Up Helly Aa festival in Lerwick on the Shetland Isles. One of Britain's most remote communities came together Tuesday to celebrate its Viking heritage with a spectacular festival of fire and fancy dress. (02/21/2008 06:16:23) [查看全文] 1. be about to do sth 习惯上不与具体时间状语连用 be about to do sth 的意思是“即将做某事”,由于本身已含有“即将”这样的时间概念,所以它习惯上不再与 soon, at once, immediately, tomorrow 这样的具体时间状语连用。如: 我们即将动身。 误:We are about to start at once. 正:We are about to start. 正:We’ll start at once. 2. ago 习惯上不与现在完成时连用 在通常情况下 ago 只与过去时连用,而不与现在完成时连用。 (02/21/2008 06:16:23) [查看全文] |