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《War And Peace》 Book2 CHAPTER I by Leo Tolstoy IN THE OCTOBER OF 1805 the Russian troops were occupying the towns and villages of the Austrian archduchy, and fresh regiments kept arriving from Russia and encamping about the fortress of Braunau, burdening the (02/20/2008 08:27:21) [查看全文] The top U.S. negotiator on North Korea's nuclear weapons program has arrived in China on a trip that is focused on helping restart stalled disarmament talks. Speaking with reporters Monday in Beijing, Chris (02/20/2008 08:27:16) [查看全文] Asia has built much of its success on cheap, plentiful rice. But the supply of the region's most important food crop is declining steadily, and prices are going up - putting a strain on the region's poor. However, rice researchers say the situation is not hopeless. (02/20/2008 08:27:16) [查看全文] A customer buys vegetable at a market in Nanjing, Jiangsu province February 19, 2008. China's consumer price inflation surged to 7.1 percent in January, the highest level in more than 11 years, from 6 (02/20/2008 08:27:16) [查看全文] JARINJE, Kosovo (Reuters) - NATO peacekeepers were being sent to newly independent Kosovo's border with Serbia on Tuesday to defend frontier posts under attack by Serbs who oppose its secession. Serbs burned down one border post and were attacking a second, a Kosovo police spokesman said. (02/20/2008 08:27:16) [查看全文] STEVEN: We should take our coworkers out to celebrate this weekend. ALBERT: Yes, the project was a big success. Now that it's finished, I think we should have a party. STEVEN: But I'm not sure what to do. We could invite them all to dinner at the Red Lobster, and then come here for drinks. ALBERT: This place? (02/20/2008 08:27:15) [查看全文] CAROL: My husband and I have just moved to town. LISA: Oh! Well welcome to Dull Springs. CAROL: Thank you. LISA: Are you thinking about becoming a member? CAROL: A member? LISA: Yes, a member of our store. CAROL: Well, I wanted to ask you about renting video tapes here. LISA: That's what I mean. To (02/20/2008 08:27:15) [查看全文] 不少学生反映在考试中阅读的时间最紧张,常常是做完了两个section, 时间也快到了。的确,在60分钟的时间里, 不仅要阅读完总共约3500字的文章,并且要完成40道题目,还要准确无误地将40个题目的答案誊写到答题卡上。这无疑对考生的阅读速度提出了很高的要求。 对于学生们在课上和做题中的有些情况,我把影响同学做好阅读题的原因和解决方法归为以下三个: 首先,当然是词汇。任何一篇内容相对复杂的阅读文章,都不可避免地出现大量生僻词语或者是难度相对较大的单词。从文章的选材而言,范围是十分丰富的,主要来自世界各国主要的英文报刊杂志,内容涉及任何一个国家的文化、经济、自然和科技等。而IELTS考试所考查的,是实际运用语言的能力,所以在考试中真正需要理解的单词, (02/20/2008 08:27:15) [查看全文] Today I will tell about expressions using numbers. Let us start with the number one. Numbers can be tricky. On the one hand, they are simply numbers. On the other hand, they have meanings. I for one use these expressions a lot. Many people consider themselves number one, the most important person. They are always looking out for number o (02/20/2008 08:27:14) [查看全文] Some problems are difficult to solve. But there are a lot of number expressions that can help. For example, if we put two and two together, we might come up with the right answer. We know that two heads are better than one. It is always better to work with another person to solve a problem. Sometimes there are no two ways about it. Some (02/20/2008 08:27:14) [查看全文] 老外也常犯的十大英语错误 也许你觉得这些都很简单,但是小心阴沟也会翻船哦,看看日常应用中,你有没有犯过下面的错误呢? 1. Loose for lose No: I always loose the product key. Yes: I always lose the product key. 2. It's for its (or god forbid, its') No: Download the HTA, along with it's readme file. Yes: Download the HTA, along with its readme file. No: T (02/20/2008 08:27:09) [查看全文] (02/19/2008 10:15:06) [查看全文] 《战争与和平》 第一部 第二十五章 作者:列夫·托尔斯泰 第二天黄昏,安德烈公爵要动身了。老公爵遵守生活秩序,午膳后走回自己房里去了。矮小的公爵夫人呆在小姑房里。安德烈公爵穿上旅行常礼服,没有佩戴带穗肩章,在拨给他住的房间里和他的侍仆一同收拾行装。他亲自察看了马车,把手提箱装进车厢,嗣后吩咐套马车。房里只剩下一些安德烈平日随身带着的物品:一只小匣子、一只银质旅行食品箱、两支土耳其手枪和一柄军刀——从奥恰科夫运来的父亲赠送的物品。安德烈公爵的全部旅行用品摆放得齐齐整整,完整无缺,全是崭新的,十分干净的,罩上了呢绒套,并用小带子仔细地捆住。 在即将动身和改变生活规律 (02/19/2008 10:06:19) [查看全文] 《War And Peace》 Book1 CHAPTER XXV by Leo Tolstoy PRINCE ANDREY was leaving the following evening. The old prince, not departing from his regular routine, went away to his own room after dinner. The little princess was with her sister-in-law. Prince Andrey, having changed his d (02/19/2008 10:06:18) [查看全文] 《战争与和平》 第一部 第二十四章 作者:列夫·托尔斯泰 在那规定的时刻,老公爵扑了香粉,刮了脸,走到餐厅里去,儿媳妇、公爵小姐玛丽亚、布里安小姐和公爵的建筑师都在这里等候他。出于公爵的怪癖,这位建筑师竟被准许入席就座,这个渺小的人物就地位而论,是决不能奢求这种荣幸的。公爵在生活上坚定地遵守等级制度,甚至省府的达官显贵也很少准许入席就座。那个常在角落里用方格手帕擤鼻涕的建筑师米哈伊尔·伊万诺维奇忽然被准许入席就座了,公爵用他这个惯例来表明,人人一律平等,他不只一次开导女儿说,米哈伊尔·伊万诺维奇没有一点不如我们的地方。在筵席间,公爵常和寡言鲜语的米哈伊尔·伊万诺维奇开心畅谈。 (02/19/2008 10:06:17) [查看全文] |