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KNOW, O Vizir (to whom God be good!), that man's member bears different names, as:
El dekeur, the virile member El fortass, the bald one El kamera, the penis Abou aïne, he with one eye El aïr, the member for generation El atsar, the pusher El hamama, the pigeon El dommar, the odd-headed El teunnana, the tinkler Abou rokba, the
(08/01/2007 10:24:52) [查看全文]
WITHOUT a glance at Jill the lion rose to its feet and gave one last blow. Then, as if satisfied with its work, it turned and stalked slowly away, back into the forest.
"It must be a dream, it must, it must," said Jill to herself. "I'll wake up in a moment." But it wasn't, and she didn't.
"I do wish we'd never come to this dreadful plac
(07/31/2007 11:10:17) [查看全文]
IT was a dull autumn day and Jill Pole was crying behind the gym.
She was crying because they had been bullying her. This is not going to be a school story, so I shall say as little as possible about Jill's school, which is not a pleasant subject. It was "Co-educational," a school for both boys and girls, what used to be called a "mixed"
(07/31/2007 11:10:17) [查看全文]
WHAT made Scrubb look so dingy (and Jill too, if she could only have seen herself) was the splendour of their surroundings. I had better describe them at once.
Through a cleft in those mountains which Jill had seen far inland as she approached the land, the sunset light was pouring over a level lawn. On the far side of the lawn, its weather-van
(07/31/2007 11:10:17) [查看全文]
I knew nothing when I went for my first interview and stepped onto the infamous Elias-Cla
(07/30/2007 06:29:29) [查看全文]
“It sure doesn’t sound like you have the job,” Alex, my boyfriend, said softly, playing with my hair as I rested my throbbing head in his lap after the grueling day. I’d gone straight from the interview to his apartment in Brooklyn, not wanting to sleep on Lily’s couch for another night and needing to tell him about everything that had just happene
(07/30/2007 06:29:29) [查看全文]
I’d slept in my new room for three nights already and still felt like a stranger living i
(07/30/2007 06:29:29) [查看全文]
“He said what?” Lily asked as she licked a spoonful of green tea ice cream. She and I had met at Sushi Samba at nine so I could update her on my first day. My parents had grudgingly forked over the emergencies-only credit card again until I got my first paycheck. Spicy tuna rolls and seaweed salads certainly felt like an emergency, and so I silentl
(07/30/2007 06:29:29) [查看全文]
“Ohmigod, is it the fashion editor herself?” Jill mock-shrieked when she opened the front door. “Come on over here and let your big sister genuflect a li’l.”
(07/30/2007 06:29:29) [查看全文]
Lily’s New Year’s party was good and low-key, just a lot of paper cups of champagne at Lily’s place with a bunch of people from college and some others they managed to drag along. I was never a big fan of the holiday. I don’t remember who first called it “Amateur Night” (I think it was Hugh Hefner), saying that he went out the other 364 days a year
(07/30/2007 06:29:29) [查看全文]
“Don’t look now,” James said, his mouth as immobile as a ventriloquist’s, “but I spy Reese Witherspoon at three o’clock.”
(07/30/2007 06:29:29) [查看全文]
It took me twelve weeks before I gorged myself on the seemingly limitless supply of desig
(07/30/2007 06:29:29) [查看全文]
“Hey, I’m glad I caught you,” I heard Cara say on the other end of the line. Why was she out of breath at quarter of eight in the morning?
(07/30/2007 06:29:29) [查看全文]
The Cell Phone shrilled from somewhere deep in my dream, but consciousness took over long
(07/30/2007 06:29:28) [查看全文]
The blissful day I’d been waiting for, dreaming of, had finally, finally arrived. Miranda had not only departed the office, but she’d left the country as well. She’d jumped into her Concorde seat less than an hour before to meet with a few of the European designers, making me at present the indisputably happiest girl on the planet. Emily kept tryin
(07/30/2007 06:29:28) [查看全文]
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