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Let the Midnight Special Shine its light on me Let the Midnight Special Shine its ever-lovin' light on me -"The Midnight Special," traditional Shadow and Wednesday ate breakfast at a Country Kitchen across the street from their motel. It was eight in the morning, and the world was misty and chill. "You still re (07/11/2007 06:26:56) [查看全文] Every hour wounds. The last one kills. -old saying There was a thin young woman behind the counter at the Motel America. She told Shadow he had already been checked in by his friend, and gave him his rectangular plastic room key. She had pale blonde hair and a rodentlike quality to her face that was most apparent when she looked suspi (07/11/2007 06:26:56) [查看全文] They took her to the cemet'ry In a big ol' Cadillac They took her to the cemet'ry But they did not bring her back. -old song "I have taken the liberty," said Mr. Wednesday, washing his hands in the men's room of Jack's Crocodile Bar, "of ordering food for myself, to be delivered to your table. We have much to di (07/11/2007 06:26:56) [查看全文] The boundaries of our country, sir? Why sir, on the north we are bounded by the Aurora Borealis, on the east we are bounded by the rising sun, on the south we are bounded by the procession of the Equinoxes, and on the west by the Day of Judgment. -The American Joe Miller's Jest Book. Shadow had done three years in prison. He (07/11/2007 06:26:56) [查看全文] THE PEOPLE WHO RAN Deliverance Camp saw no need to hide from the problems. They made no effort to get away from the war zone from which they took their casualties. No quiet facility in the country. No secluded clinic in a better part of town. Their campers came from the streets and they would go back to the streets.
The Camp faced W Str (07/09/2007 06:25:42) [查看全文] THE BUILDING WAS, after all, a jail. Though it was of recent vintage and upon its grand opening had been the source of great pride for a handful of city leaders, it was still a jail. Designed by cutting-edge urban defense consultants and adorned with high-tech security gadgetry, it was still a jail. Efficient, safe, humane, and, though built for (07/09/2007 06:25:42) [查看全文] IN A CITY of 76,000 lawyers, many of them clustered in megafirms within rifle shot of the U.S. Capitol—rich and powerful firms where the brightest associates were given obscene signing bonuses and the dullest ex-Congressmen were given lucrative lobbying deals and the hottest litigators came with their own agents—the Office of the Public Defender (07/09/2007 06:25:41) [查看全文] THE SHOTS THAT FIRED the bullets that entered Pumpkin's head were heard by no less than eight people. Three instinctively closed their windows, checked their door locks, and withdrew to the safety, or at least the seclusion, of their small apartments. Two others, each with experience in such matters, ran from the vicinity as fast if not faster t (07/09/2007 06:25:41) [查看全文] A year later,somewhere in Macedonia
The heavy-bearded knight reared his mount over us on the steep ridge. March, you princesses, or the only Turkish blood you'll see will be at the end of a mop. March...We had beenmarching for months now. Months so long and grueling, so lacking in all provision, I could mark them only by the sores oozin (07/08/2007 10:45:04) [查看全文] THE MORNING OF THE DAY I was to leave was bright and clear. I rose early, even before the sun. The town had bid me godspeed with a festive roast the night before. All the toasts had been made and farewells said.
All but one. In the doorway of the inn, Sophie handed me my pouch. In it was a change of clothes, bread to eat, a hazel (07/08/2007 10:45:03) [查看全文] THAT TERRIBLE AFTERNOON changed my life. That night, as Sophie and I lay in bed, I couldn't hold back the truth from her. She and I had always shared everything, good and bad. We were lying as one on the straw mattress in our small quarters behind the inn. I gently stroked her long blond hair, which fell all the way down her back. Every time she (07/08/2007 10:45:03) [查看全文] OUR POWERLESSNESS WAS SO OBVIOUS it was shameful to me. Norcross's sword jangled as he made his way to the frightened miller. On my word, miller. Norcross smiled. Only last week did you not have two sons?
My son Matt has gone to Vaucluse, Georges said, and looked toward me. To study the metal trade. Themetal trade... Norcross nod (07/08/2007 10:45:03) [查看全文] TWO DAYS LATER, other visitors came through our town.
There was a ground-shaking rumble from the west, followed by a cloud of gravel and dust. Horsemen were coming in at a full gallop! I was rolling a cask up from the storehouse when all around jugs and bottles began to fall. Panic clutched at my heart. What flashed through my mind was t (07/08/2007 10:45:03) [查看全文] EVEN IN VEILLE DU PERE, word had reached us of the Pope's call. We had heard that masses of men were leaving their families, taking the Cross, as nearby as Avignon. And here they were... thearmy of Crusaders , marching through Veille du P?re!
Butwhat an army! More of a rabble, like one of those multitudes prophesied in Isaiah or John. Me (07/08/2007 10:45:03) [查看全文] Veille du P?re,a village in southern France ,1096
The church bells were ringing. Loud, quickening peals-echoing through town in the middle of the day. Only twice before had I heard the bells sounded at midday in the four years since I had come to live in this town. Once, when word reached us that the King's son had died. (07/08/2007 10:45:03) [查看全文] |