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Ministry of Labour 劳工部 (美作:Department of Labor) labour market 劳工市场, 劳务市场 Labour exchange, Employment exchange 职业介绍所 (美作:Employment Bureau) labour management 职业介绍经纪人 full employment 整日制工作 to be paid by the hour 按小时付酬 seasonal work 季节工作 piecework work 计件工作 timework work 计时工作 teamwork work 联合工作 shift work 换班工作 assem (07/18/2006 09:47:25) [查看全文] 中国共产党第十六次全国代表大会 16th National Congress of Communist Party of China (16th NCCPC)
三个代表 three represents theory (the Party must always represent the requirements of the development of China's advanced productive forces, the orientation of the development of China's advanced culture, and the fundamental i (07/18/2006 09:47:23) [查看全文] Top Ten Words of 2003
(07/18/2006 09:47:18) [查看全文] |