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Complaining 抱怨
It's a good idea to be as polite as possible even when complaining about something.
1.A: I wish you wouldn't play the TV so loud.
B: Sorry. Where you trying to sleep?
A: Yes, And while I think of it, please ask when you want to borrow my records.
B: I'm sorry.
(10/12/2006 08:11:30) [查看全文]
Apologizing 道歉
Sometimes it is necessary to tell someone bad news gently.
1.A: I'm afraid I spilled coffee on the tablecloth.
B: Oh, don't worry about it.
A: I want to apologize. Is there anything I can do?
B: Just forget about it. I never did like it anyway.
(10/12/2006 08:11:30) [查看全文]
Giving Compliments 赞美
Friends often compliment one another on clothes, especially if the clothes are new.
1.A: What a beautiful sweater!
B: Do you think it looks good on me?
A: Yes, and it goes beautifully with your pants.
B: You won't believe it, but it was really cheap.
(10/12/2006 08:11:30) [查看全文]
Asking Favors 求助
When you ask for things, it is important to be polite. The intonation that you use in making your request is as important as what you actually say. When you think someone will refuse your request, you can ask the question in such a way that the refusal does not cause embarrassment.
(10/12/2006 08:11:30) [查看全文]
Asking People to Repeat 请人复述
As long as you ask politely, most people do not mind repeating something you didn't hear or understand.
1.A: I'm sorry, but I didn't catch what you said.
B: I said, "Do you want me to help you?"
A: If you're sure you're not in a hurry, I can use a ltt
(10/12/2006 08:11:30) [查看全文]
Saying Thank You 道谢
When someone invites you for dinner, you can bring flowers,candy or a bottle of wine. Sometimes people send a thank you note to the host or hostess a few days after the event.
1.A: I'd better be going.
B: So soon? Why don't you stay a little longer?
A: I wish
(10/12/2006 08:11:30) [查看全文]
Saying Goodbye 告别
When you're far from friends and family, you can keep in touch with them by letters, post cards, short notes or phone calls.
1.A: I've come to say goodbye.
B: When are you off?
A: I'm flying home on Sunday afternoon.
B: Well, goodbye. See you soon.
A: Pl
(10/12/2006 08:11:30) [查看全文]
Meeting old friends 老友重逢
Many people shake hands when meeting after they havn't seen each other for a long time.
1. A: I haven't seen you for ages. You haven't been sich, have you?
B: No, I've been in California for the past month.
A: How nice. Where were you exactly?
B: San
(10/12/2006 08:11:30) [查看全文]
Special Greetings 节假日的问候
There are eight national holidays celebrated in the United States: New Year's
Day(Jan.), Washington's Birthday (Feb.), Memorial Day(May), the Fourth of July, Labor Day(Sep.),Veteran's Day(Nav.),Thanksgiving(Nov.) and Christmas(Dec.), In addition, there are many state an
(10/12/2006 08:11:29) [查看全文]
Introductios and Opening Conversations
People in the United States don't always shake hands when they are introduced to one another. However, in a formal or business situation people almost always shake hands.
1.A: Mary, this is Joe's brother David.
B; I'm very glad to mee
(10/12/2006 08:11:29) [查看全文]
      书店 books store
粮店 grain store
食品点 food store
煤店 coal store
食品杂货(副食品)店 grocery
酱园 sauce and pickles shop
肉店 meat (butcher''s) shop
酒店 wine shop
水产店 aquatic products shop
家禽店 fow
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(09/08/2006 08:36:18) [查看全文]
      Department Store 百货商店
Confectioner''s Shop, Candy Shop 糖果店
Grocery 食品杂货店
Supermarket 超级市场
Shopping Center 购物中心
Book Store 书店
Grain Store 粮店
Food Store 食品店
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      Edible Oil Refinery 食油厂
Flour Mill 面粉厂
Rice Products Mill 米制品厂
Flour Products Mill 面制品厂
Foodstuffs Factory 食品厂
Bakery 面包厂
Milk Products Plant 乳制品厂
Canned Foodstuffs Fa
(09/08/2006 08:36:18) [查看全文]
      Bicycle Plant 自行车厂
Sewing Machine Factory 缝纫机厂
Clock Factory 钟厂
Watch Factory 表厂
Electronic Watch Plant 电子表厂
Textile Mill 纺织厂
Cotton Mill 棉纺织厂
Woolen Mill 毛纺厂
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