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1. 单刀直入法 Will you marry me? 你愿意嫁给(娶)我吗? Would you be my wife/husband? 你愿意当我的妻子/丈夫吗? 2. 迂回暗示法 I think it's time we took some vows. 我想是我们该许下誓言的时候了。 I think it's time we settled down... 我想是我们该稳定下来的时候了...... I want to spend the rest of my life with you. (06/04/2008 06:30:22) [查看全文] 堰塞湖定义 堰塞(sai)湖 堰塞湖是由火山熔岩流,或由地震活动等原因引起山崩滑坡体等堵截河谷或河床后贮水而形成的湖泊。由火山溶岩流堵截而形成的湖泊又称为熔岩堰塞湖。 必须强调说明,堰塞湖的堵塞物不是固定永远不变的,它们也会受冲刷、侵蚀、溶解、崩塌等等。一旦堵塞物被破坏,湖水便漫溢而出,倾泻而下,形成洪灾,极其危险。 堰塞湖一旦形成威胁,必须事先以人工挖掘、爆破、拦截等方式来引流或疏通湖道,使其汇入主流流域或分散到水库,以免造成洪灾。 堰塞湖形成过程 1、原有的水系。 2、原有水系被堵塞物堵住。堵塞物可能是火山熔岩流,可能是地震活动等原因引起的山崩滑坡体,可能是泥石流,亦可能是其他 (05/26/2008 13:21:04) [查看全文] 随着电脑走进千家万户,一张无形的巨网也悄然织起。这就是Internet(因特网,国际互联网)。一旦连接了Internet,信息传递就成为一件非常轻松惬意的事情。在网上最常使用的服务就是E-mail(电子邮件,electronic mail,常缩略为E-mail,e-mail 或email),这是因为电子邮件不但使用方便、传播快捷、可以一信多发,而且价格十分低廉,特别适合国际间的交流。
那么e-mail有什么写作要领呢? 首先,必须要标题(Heading)栏的'收件人(To)'框中输入收信人的E-mail 地址。'主题(Subject)'框的内容应简明地概括信的内容,短 (05/10/2008 12:33:18) [查看全文] 1.All right. 2.May I speak to Betty? 3.I\'m Betty. 4.That\'s Betty. 5.She\'s speaking. 6.Would you like something to drink? 7.Yes,I\'d like some coffee. 8. Yes,I\'d like some cakes. 9.Yes, I do. 10.Yes, I can. 11.Would you like some fish? 12.No,of course not. 13.No,thanks. 14.No,I don\'t 15.Please don\'t (04/26/2008 10:29:23) [查看全文] 1.to be in a rut:是指对每天同样的工作或是墨守成规一成不变的习惯,感到单调乏味 (to be tired of routine job; nothing new or excited) (rut 这个字本意是惯例或老套)。 例如: He has not been promoted for 20 years; he must be in a rut.(他廿年未获升级,一定感到单调枯燥。) After thirty years of the same job, he feels he is in a rut.(干了卅年同样的工作,他觉得枯燥乏味。) 所以要放弃单调枯燥的生活方式,就是 to get out of the rut. (01/01/2008 12:30:18) [查看全文] 治咳嗽 蜂蜜比药物更管用 12-31 Honey is a better and safer treatment for children than over-the-counter cough syrup, a new study finds. Researchers at Penn State College of Medicine found that a small dose of buckwheat honey given before bedtime provided better relief of nighttime cough and sleep difficulty in children than no treatmen (01/01/2008 12:30:18) [查看全文] It is only appropriate that an Irish immigrant to the United States be the one credited with originating the dollar sign. Oliver Pollock sailed the high seas at the age of twenty-three, and settled in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. This young entrepreneur rapidly established himself as a wealthy and influential West Indies trader.
(12/27/2007 12:05:52) [查看全文] suitable for graphic design to the typographical. Ai10.0 format did not turn in the curve of fonts - bold, Arial Recently done in 2008 desk calendar, a calendar, the calendar produced 07-08, layout fairly clean:) to share this! 2007 2008 calendar Cdr9.0 format did not turn in the curve of fonts - bold, Ari (12/18/2007 11:02:36) [查看全文] 2008春晚节目单
节目播出顺序单 开场20点00分 片头30秒 序曲〈中国大舞台〉20点03分 第一篇章〈快乐中国〉 主持:李咏、董卿 1、 歌舞〈快乐年代〉郭富城20点06分 2、 相声〈彩铃声声〉冯巩、大兵、赵卫国20点17分 3、 戏曲联唱〈梨园闹新春〉20点22分 豫剧《花木兰》选段:小香玉 黄梅戏《打猪草》选段:韩再芬 京剧《今日痛饮庆功酒》于魁智、孟广禄 4、 小品《彩票》郭冬临、曹颖、刘仪伟20点34分 5、 歌曲 (12/18/2007 10:55:41) [查看全文] 1、快乐无处不在。
Seen on the bathroom walls of Concordia University: "Ignorance is bliss."and right underneath it..."I don't know what this means but I'm happy." Concordia大学卫生间的墙上写着:“无知是福”,正下方写着:“我不知道这是什么意思,但我很高兴”。 2、结婚的结果还是不错的。 By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you'll become happy,if you get a bad one, (11/24/2007 08:27:08) [查看全文] |