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8)in/of在比较句中表示比较范围时的用法区别: 同类比较时,一般用介词of;非同类比较,或者说将某人、事或物置于某个集合体或环境中进行比较时,用介词in。这种用法区别主要出现于最高级结构中。例如: It's the greatest revolution in the modern industry. She's the prettiest girl of the three sisters. (05/07/2007 10:13:36) [查看全文] 12)表示行为对象的介词to/at的用法区别: 一般地,at含"攻击"之意,而to则表示一般的行为对象。例如: The dog wagged its tail and came to him.(向……走来) On seeing the stranger,the dog came at him.(向……扑来) (05/07/2007 10:13:36) [查看全文] 14)before/in front of用法区别: 表示"在……前"时,两者意义相近,in front of相对于空间位置而言,而before除表示位置关系之外,还可表示"面对","在……面前"等意。例如: There,before/in front of the fisherman,stood a giant genie. The Arab was finally (05/07/2007 10:13:35) [查看全文] 18)表示原因的介词: ①because of表示引起结果的直接原因,意义与连词because相同。例如: He retired last month because of illness/because he was ill. 上个月他因病退休了。 ②for表示内在的、心理上的原因,常与表示喜、怒、哀 (05/07/2007 10:13:35) [查看全文] 被动语态不得无中生有 英语中,不是所有的动词都有被动语态。以下几类动词一般就无被动语态。 一、不及物动词无被动语态 如:appear出现,die死亡,disappear消失,end结束,fail失败,fall下跌, happen发生,last持续,lie躺,remain遗留,sit坐, spread传播,stand站立等;不及物动词短语break out突然发生,come true实现,fall asleep入睡, keep silence保持沉默, take place发生,等等。例如: The sun appeared on the horizon.太阳在地平线上出 (05/07/2007 10:13:34) [查看全文] Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment,_____ I will always treasure.(NMET2002) A.that B.one C.it D.what 此题的正确答案为B,这里one作代词,指代a moment,在句中作an unforgettable moment的同位语。 下面就one在中学英语中的常见用法作简要归纳: 一、one作人称代词可以笼统地指任何人、某一伙人中的一个人或说话人。当one笼统地指任何人时,其用法相当于you指代任何人。在书面 (05/07/2007 10:13:26) [查看全文] 第六单元第21课有下面两个句子: 1)It looks as if it isn't clean enough to bathe here.看来这海水不够干净,不能在这儿洗澡了。 2)It seems that there is a big waste pipe coming down from the town.看来有一根大废水管从城里一直接到这儿来了。 上述两句分别使用了look和seem常用的两个句型结构。除此之外,我们还学过appear一词,那么这三个表示“看来;似乎”的词常构成哪些句型结构呢?现将它们常用的几个句型结构归纳如下: 一、使用seem和ap (05/07/2007 10:13:26) [查看全文] 1)语法一致原则(Agreement in Grammar) (1)短语或从句作主语时,谓语用单数。例如: Reading aloud is important in learning a foreign language. Whether he comes or not is of no matter. (2)主语是单数,尽管后面跟有but,except,along with,like,in-cluding,as well as等词语,谓语用单数。例如: My sister with her children has gone to Hongkong. The teacher as well (05/07/2007 10:13:25) [查看全文] 同义、近义词、词组范围很广,涉及到各种词类,我们在以上有关章节中已谈到这方面的内容,这里我们仅举数例同义、近义词、词组的辨析。 1.likely,probable,possible 1)likely意为"很可能的";probable一般指有"较大的可能";possible仅指"有可能",不管可能性大小。例如:His election is possible,but not probab (05/07/2007 10:13:24) [查看全文] |