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"Well said, Harry," said Fred unexpectedly.
"Year, 'ear, 'ear," said George, with half a glance at Fred, the corner of whose mouth twitched. Lupin was wearing an odd expression as he looked at Harry. It was close to pitying. "You think I'm a fool?" demanded Harry. "No, I think you're like James (07/28/2007 13:30:40) [查看全文] We always convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, than another. Then we are frustrated that the kids aren't old enough and we'll be more contet when they are. After that we're frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. we will certainly be happy when they are out of that (07/26/2007 08:29:19) [查看全文] AT eight in the morning on his way to the jetty Scobie called at the bank. The manager’s office was shaded and cool: a glass of iced water stood on top of a safe. ‘Good morning, Robinson.’
Robinson was tall and hollow-chested and bitter because he hadn’t been posted to Nigeria. He said, ‘When will this filth (07/25/2007 09:54:04) [查看全文] WILSON sat on the balcony of the Bedford Hotel with his bald pink knees thrust against the ironwork. It was Sunday and the Cathedral bell clanged for matins. On the other side of Bond street, in the windows of the High School, sat the young negresses in dark-blue gym smocks engaged on, the interminable task of trying to wave their wiresprin (07/25/2007 09:54:04) [查看全文] The only kiss that counts is the one exchanged by two people who are in love with each other. That is the first essential of the satisfying kiss. For a kiss is really the union of two soul-mates who have come together because they were made for each other. The reason for this is that the kiss is really the introduction to love, true love. The kiss (07/23/2007 08:30:17) [查看全文] Snooker is British billiard, although billiards date from the 15th century, but the invention of the snooker is much later than that. There is a saying about the origin of snooker which is widely acceptable, says that snooker is invented in the late 19th century.
At that time, billiards is very popular among th (07/22/2007 00:18:46) [查看全文] English superstar David Beckham, brought to the Los Angeles Galaxy to preach the gospel of football to US sports fans, may have to overcome a language barrier to get the message across.
Beckham, who acquired a smattering of Spanish in four years with Real Madrid, told some 5,000 fans at the Galaxy's Home Depot Cent (07/22/2007 00:17:57) [查看全文] Money is used for commodity exchange. In ancient times, people used livestock and other products in exchange for goods they needed.
At that time, agricultural people began to use tools, shells, or jade in exchange for goods. Shells became widely popular because they are light, effortlessly transportable, and ca (07/22/2007 00:15:41) [查看全文] Harriet Smith's intimacy at Hartfield was soon a settled thing. Quick and decided in her ways, Emma lost no time in inviting, encouraging, and telling her to come very often; and as their acquaintance increased, so did their satisfaction in each other. As a walking companion,Emma had very early foreseen how useful she might find her. In that respec (07/19/2007 09:05:10) [查看全文] Mr. Woodhouse was fond of society in his own way. He liked very much to have his friends come and see him; and from various united causes, from his long residence at Hartfield, and his good nature, from his fortune, his house, and his daughter, he could command the visits of his own little circle, in a great measure, as he liked. He had not much in (07/19/2007 09:05:10) [查看全文] Mr. Weston was a native of Highbury, and born of a respectable family, which for the last two or three generations had been rising into gentility and property. He had received a good education, but, on succeeding early in life to a small independence, had become indisposed for any of the more homely pursuits in which his brothers were engaged, and (07/19/2007 09:05:09) [查看全文] Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition, seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence; and had lived nearly twenty-one years in the world with very little to distress or vex her. She was the youngest of the two daughters of a most affectionate, indulgent father; and had, in (07/19/2007 09:05:09) [查看全文] The dictionary says that a kiss is "a salute made by touching with the lips pressed closely together and suddenly parting them." From this it is quite obvious that, although a dictionary-may know something about words, it knows nothing about kissing. If we are to get the real meaning of the word kiss, instead of going to the old fogies who c (07/18/2007 08:44:14) [查看全文] MR. TENCH went out to look for his ether cylinder: out into the blazing Mexican sun and the bleaching dust. A few buzzards looked down from the roof with shabby indifference: he wasn't carrion yet. A faint feeling of rebellion stirred in Mr. Tench's heart, and he wrenched up a piece of the road with splintering finger-nails and tossed it feebly up (07/17/2007 10:21:50) [查看全文] THE SQUAD of police made their way back to the station: they walked raggedly with rifles slung anyhow: ends of cotton where buttons should have been: a puttee slipping down over the ankle: small men with black secret Indian eyes. The small plaza on the hill-top was lighted with globes strung together in threes and joined by trailing overhead wires. (07/17/2007 10:21:50) [查看全文] |