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Volume III Marius BOOK FIRST.--PARIS STUDIED IN ITS ATOM CHAPTER I PARVULUS Paris has a child, and the forest has a bird; the bird is called the sparrow; the child is called the gamin. Couple these two ideas which contain, (03/24/2008 06:25:51) [查看全文] In a far-away country, somewhere in Russia, there lived a stepmother who had a stepdaughter and also a daughter of her own. Her own daughter was dear to her, and always whatever she did the mother was the first to praise her, to pet her; but there was but little praise for the stepdaughter; although good and kind, she had no other reward than repro (03/24/2008 06:25:44) [查看全文] 医学英语快速记忆-后缀(1) 后缀在缀合法中只起改变词性的作用,不改变词根的含意,这在第一章内已叙述。现将常用后缀分一般英语后缀及医学英语后缀两部分来说明。 第一节 常用的一般英语后缀 因词性不同、后缀可分为名词性、形容词性、动词性及副词性后缀,现列举于下。 一、名词性后缀 1,-age为抽象名词后缀,表示行为,状态和全体总称 percentage百分数,百分率,voltage电压,伏特数,lavage灌洗,洗,出法,gavage管词法,curettage刮除法,shortage不足,缺少。 2,-cy表示抽象名词 accuracy 准确,精确度,infancy婴儿期。 (03/24/2008 06:25:43) [查看全文] Sweet, wild berries plucked from roadside patches are a delightful side benefit of camping. Each summer, my husband Bob and I would send the kids off with their little metal buckets and the next day we would all enjoy the fruits of their labor: raspberry pancakes turned on the grill or firm blackberries to dot a hot cooked-on-the-campfire peanut bu (03/24/2008 06:25:42) [查看全文] By Robert H. Gilbert 打开这个记忆的盒子,就像万缕花香飘散开来,沁人心脾;又像一瓶尘封多年的老酒,香醇与苦涩,美在其中。 One day, an older woman was sitting on her bed, packing some things, in boxes, to put in her closet. She rubbed her forehead with her hand and thought of her terrible migraine headache, brought on by all this packing.1 As she sat there, she looked a (03/24/2008 06:25:41) [查看全文] Government chief ensures safety in Tibet (Xinhua) Updated: 2008-03-17 12:33 Qiangba Puncog, Tibet Autonomous Regional Government chairman decried rioters and the Dalai Lama clique for conspiring the latest riot in Lhasa, and underlined the government's determination to safeguard Tibet, during a news briefing in Beijing on Monda (03/24/2008 06:25:41) [查看全文] 英语情话35句 2007-09-27 1、想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨。 It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can’t be expressed with any choice of words. 2、你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。 Do you understand the feeling of missing some (03/24/2008 06:25:39) [查看全文] ◎译 名 天衣无缝 ◎片 名 Flawless ◎导 演 迈克尔·莱德福 Michael Radford ◎主 演 黛咪·摩尔 Demi Moore 迈克尔·凯恩 Michael Caine Joss Ackland Jonathan Aris .....Boyle Simon (03/24/2008 06:25:39) [查看全文] CHAPTER IV GAVROCHE'S EXCESS OF ZEAL In the meantime, Gavroche had had an adventure. Gavroche, after having conscientiously stoned the lantern in the Rue du Chaume, entered the Rue des Vielles-Haudriettes, and not seeing "even a cat" there, he thought the opportunity a good one to (03/21/2008 08:54:00) [查看全文] CHAPTER III WHILE COSETTE AND TOUSSAINT ARE ASLEEP Jean Valjean went into the house with Marius' letter. He groped his way up the stairs, as pleased with the darkness as an owl who grips his prey, opened and shut his door softly, listened to see whether he could hear any noise, (03/21/2008 08:53:58) [查看全文] CHAPTER II THE STREET URCHIN AN ENEMY OF LIGHT How long did he remain thus? What was the ebb and flow of this tragic meditation? Did he straighten up? Did he remain bowed? Had he been bent to breaking? Could he still rise and regain his footing in his conscience upon something solid? He probably would no (03/21/2008 08:53:56) [查看全文] BOOK FIFTEENTH.--THE RUE DE L'HOMME ARME CHAPTER I A DRINKER IS A BABBLER What are the convulsions of a city in comparison with the insurrections of the soul? Man is a depth still greater than the people. Jean Valjean at that very moment was the prey of a terrible upheaval. Eve (03/21/2008 08:53:54) [查看全文] CHAPTER VII GAVROCHE AS A PROFOUND CALCULATOR OF DISTANCES Marius kept his promise. He dropped a kiss on that livid brow, where the icy perspiration stood in beads. This was no infidelity to Cosette; it was a gentle and pensive farewell to an unhappy soul. It was (03/21/2008 08:53:52) [查看全文] CHAPTER VI THE AGONY OF DEATH AFTER THE AGONY OF LIFE A peculiarity of this species of war is, that the attack of the barricades is almost always made from the front, and that the assailants generally abstain from turning the position, either because they fear ambushes, or because they are afraid of gett (03/21/2008 08:53:50) [查看全文] |