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Star learns the value of her parents' love

[日期:2005-05-27]   [字体: ]

MANY girls have dreamt of being a star in the entertainment world and enjoying the fame and worship (崇拜) of screaming fans. Fiona Sit (薛凯琪) is one of them. But to her, being a singer is more about bridging the generation gap in her family and finding the true love of her parents.
When the Hong Kong singer released (发行) her new album "Funny Girl" in late April, Fiona said it was her present to her mum for "Mother's Day."

Before 2001, Fiona had the same life as other girls her age. As the only child of her family, Fiona wasn't allowed to hang out with friends until she was 15. "Even if I was with friends, my parents asked me to phone home every hour to make sure I was OK," she said.

Fiona complained that her parents always embarrassed her when her friends were around. Her father went to pick her up after school even when she was 18.

In 2001 Fiona was spotted by a talent scout (星探) when she was out shopping. She was invited to film an advertisement for a magazine. Since then, Fiona worked as a part-time model. "I thought the job could give me an excuse to get away from my parents," she said.

Fiona began her career as a singer in 2004.

Her first album "F Debut" was a hit (热卖唱片). She became famous but there was also a lot of gossip (传闻) about her. She was under GREat pressure and was unhappy. "I know my mum was anxious and worried about me. But when I came home no matter how late, she would pretend to be all right and comfort me. I was really moved," she said.

"My parents' love for me became very obvious in those difficult times. Now that everything is good again, I really treasure them more," she added.

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