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Tribeca Winner Not Banned in China

[日期:2005-05-30]   [字体: ]


Tribeca Winner Not Banned in China

Zhou Xun in Tribeca Winner

Director Li Shaohong has dismissed the report claiming her TV film Stolen Life is banned in China, according to The Beijing News.

She told the American media that the film had not got a permit for domestic release from the Chinese authority because she was short on time and she did get a permit for overseas release. Then her words were miss-interpreted as that her film was banned in China.

Telling a true story of a teenage girl's deceived life, the film was named the Best Narrative Feature at the 4th Annual Tribeca Film Festival on April 30 in New York.

Stolen Life is a part of a 10 episode TV project Absolute Privacy, based on woman writer An Dun's Absolute Privacy - an Oral Account of Contemporary Chinese Love Life, a best selling book series documented dozens of shocking and unspoken stories in today's China.

The TV series has been scheduled to première on June 10 at Shanghai based Dragon TV and a theatrical release of Stolen Life has also been planned.


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