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Asbestos as the Primary Cause of Mesothelioma

[日期:2005-06-08]   [字体: ]

Asbestos is a type of insulation material, which was used widely in the past in the following industries:

Construction industry
Ship building industry
Automotive industry
Other manufacturing industries

Mesothelioma occurred most often in persons who worked in the above industries and were exposed to asbestos in their workplace. The use of asbestos was very widespread after 1945. However, first symptoms of mesothelioma may not become apparent 10-40 years after the initial exposure, which makes it very hard to diagnose. The peak in mesothelioma cases is expected to be reached around 2010 according to some studies. There are three most commonly used types of asbestos: white, brown, and blue. Brown and blue asbestos are most commonly associated with mesothelioma. These types of asbestos have been banned by most countries in the 1990s.

Asbestos is a very dangerous substance and can cause a lot of damage to your health. It is made up of very small fibers, which can find their way to pleura (outside lining of the lung) and damage the cells pleura is made of. These fibers can also be carried on clothing, which makes them dangerous not only to the person exposed to asbestos, but to their family members as well.

Note of Urgency
Mesothelioma is a life-threatening disease and cannot be left untreated. The sooner it is diagnosed the better a patient's chances are of fighting this deadly cancer. Please contact a qualified physician immediately if you or someone you know has been diagnosed with mesothelioma.

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