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Olympics to be promoted at East Asian Games

[日期:2005-09-05]   [字体: ]

The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be promoted during the upcoming 4th East Asian Games in Macao, to be held from October 29 to November 6.

"With the theme of 'One World, One Dream', we will hold a series of events in Macao to introduce the Chinese capital and also the Beijing Games, to both the public and the participants of the East Asian Games," said Wang Hui, director of the Information Office of Beijing Municipality.

"We hope more and more people can gain a better understanding and knowledge of our city and the Olympic Games."

A "New Beijing, GREat Olympic" exhibition will raise the curtain on the promotion events on October 25, at which 120 images of Beijing's culture, history and city landmarks will be shown at the exhibition hall of the Macao East Asian Games Dome. Some models of the 2008 Olympic venues, like the Olympic park and the National Stadium, will be shown as well in the hall, which also serves as the East Asian Games' registration centre. The exhibition will run throughout the Games.

Other events include a promotion meeting on October 28, and a performance at the Dome entitled "Beijing Night", showcasing traditional Chinese arts, on October 30 and 31.

In addition, primary and middle schools in Macao will receive a donation of 10,000 copies of "Primary School Olympic Reader" and "Secondary School Olympic Reader", written in Chinese.

According to officials from the Organizing Committee of the East Asian Games, this year's event will be the biggest Games yet. The first East Asian Games were held in Shanghai in 1993. More than 3,200 officials and athletes from nine East Asian countries will take part in the Games, which are held every four years. More than 700 medals in seven major sports will be awarded.

"Officials from 2007 Changchun Asian Winter Games and 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games will also come to Macao to do promotional activities," added Manuel Silverio, chairman of the organizing committee.

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