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[日期:2006-06-16]   [字体: ]
A.recognized B.extended C.persuaded D.unexpected

17.We _______ that it will take another four months to finish this plan.

 A.grant B.estimate C.council D.check

18.He read the paper several times but be still _______ some printer’s errors.

 A.overlooked B.ignored C.noticed D.outlined

19.She often talks with a _______ appearance but in fact she is always telling lies.

 A.tidy B.sincere C.worship D.merry

20.If the students can not support themselves during their study in university, they may ask for a student _______ from the government.

 A.menu B.spoon C.loan D.bond

21.English has become a communication _______ for people from different countries.

 A.merit B.stream C.enjoyment D.medium

22.During the eight years war, many people _______ their blood for their country.

 A.shed B.tempted C.reserved D.devoted

23.You have GREatly _______us. What you have done is not what you told us about several weeks ago.

 A.disappointed B.deserted C.clarified D.opposed

24.Before you begin writing your paper, please write ------__________ first. Then we can have a better idea about what you are going to talk about.

 A.an origin B.a detail C.an example D.an outline

25.If you ask why I plan to study in the United States, the only answer is that it is a _______ for me .

 A.chapter B.ceremony C.chamber D challenge

26.A _______ political and economic situation is very important for the development of any country.

 A.stain B.stable C.peaceful D.pink

27.The financial support is decided not only according to your GRE score, but also according to your _______ in college.

 A.performance B.policy C.smart D.statement

28.The World Trade Center is often called a _______ Building, because it is made up of two identical buildings.

 A. Alike B.Folk C.Twin D.Former

29.It is impossible for us to _______ such a difficult task within the limited time.

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