How are you today?
Did you have any trouble finding this place?
How did you get here?
是不是为面试官友好的问话和语调感到吃惊了?其实他们只是想让你放松一下,让面试在一个轻松的气氛中开始,所以你也只需客套的回答一下就可以,例如"Fine, thank you."之类。
面试时最重要的部分是谈你的experience and qualifications。qualification包括你所受过的教育和培训,而experience就是你曾经做过的、与你要申请的工作有直接或间接关系的工作经历。
I attended the University of California from 1992 to 1996.
I graduated with a deGREe in social science.
I am currently studying at the University of Chicago and will graduate with a deGREe in computer science in this fall.
I am studying English at City College of New York.
当谈你受的教育时,可别忘了提起你参加过的培训、得过的证书和选过的一些和这份工作有关的课程。例如你要应聘国际贸易类的工作就一定要提correspondence courses, BEC Certificate等等。