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[日期:2006-07-02]   [字体: ]

甘蓝菜 kale borecole

橄榄菜 kale borecole

高丽肉条 deep-fried pork strips Korean style

高丽虾丸 prawn balls in Korean style

鸽蛋 pigeon eggs

鸽蛋扒鸭 braised duck with pigeon eggs

鸽蛋肝汤 quail egg & liver soup

鸽蛋土司 toast fried with quail eggs

鸽汤 pigeon soup

蛤蜊汤 clam soup

蛤蜊蒸蛋 steamed eggs with clams

各式炒蛋 assorted omelets

公司汤 soup of the day

宫保鸡丁 chicken cubes with peanuts; diced chicken with paprika; diced chicken in chilli sauce; stir-fried chicken with dried red pepper

宫保虾仁 pungent vegetarian shrimps

宫保鱿鱼 stir-fried squid rools

宫爆鸡丁 chicken cubes with peanuts; diced chicken with paprika; diced chicken in chilli sauce; stir-fried chicken with dried red pepper

宫爆腰花 stir-fried kidney with chilli and peanuts

咕噜蜜肉 sweet & sour pork; Cantonese/Guangdong style

古老肉 fried pork in sweet and sour sauce

古老肉 sweet & sour boneless pork

挂绿虾丸 prawn balls with vegetable

怪味鸡 spiced chicken with a wonderful taste; chicken with special hot sauce

怪味牛百叶 ox tripe of Sichuan style

罐头牛肉 canned beef

罐头碎牛肉 canned corned beef

罐焖鸭子 braised duck en casserole

罐焖羊肉 mutton en casserole

广东叉烧肉 Guangdong Cantonese roast pork

广东泡菜 Guangdong Cantonese pickled vegetable

广州炒饭 fried rice in Guangdong style

广州烩饭 steamed rice Guangdong style

贵妃斑鱼卷 stir-fried fish rolls with corn

贵妃鸡 chicken wings & legs braised in brown sauce; chicken wings & legs with brown sauce

锅巴 crispy rice

锅巴海参 sea cucumbers in crisp rice

锅巴肉片 sliced meat with crispy rice; meat pieces with crispy rice

锅巴三鲜 soup of rice crust and three delicacies

锅巴虾仁 fried shrimps with crisp rice

锅巴虾仁 shrimp with crisp rice

锅烧羊肉 braised mutton

锅塌豆腐 baked beancurd

锅贴明虾 fried fresh prawns on toast

锅贴鸭 fried duck cutlets

锅贴鸭片 pan-baked steamed duck

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