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中国灶神 Kitchen God

[日期:2006-10-04]   [字体: ]

For two thousand years, China has always preserved a custom of offering a sacrifice to the kitchen god.

Traditionally the Spring Festival actually begins its course a week before the Chinese New Year (the 23rd of the last month from Chinese lunar calendar) with the practice of offering a sacrifice to the Kitchen God. The Kitchen God is god sent from Heaven to each family to take charge of family affairs and make a report on what the family has done in the past year to Heaven annually on the date of the 23rd.

Strangely enough, the sacrifice to the Kitchen God is a lotus root-like sticky cake made of a typical Chinese traditional candy, instead of the usual cows, pigs or sheep. The purpose of the practice is, for people are to make full use of the sticky cake to prevent the Kitchen God from speaking badly of the family in Heaven by sticking his mouth closed. Of course, it seems to be quite a tacit aGREement between the Kitchen God and his prayers; he is always accepting sweet food from the people around. This tradition is no longer popular in cities now, but may still be observed in some areas in the countryside.

From the 23rd to the 28th, it is the seedtime for the GREat festival. People usually find themselves buying various things that vary from new clothes to delicious food. The Spring Festival is also the time for all family members getting together. Usually most people are trying to get home from different places before or on the New Year's Eve (the 29th). Therefore, the week before the Chinese New Year is the busiest travel time in China.

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