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[世界上最美丽的英文]A Father's Love

[日期:2006-12-27]   [字体: ]
Fathers seldom say "I love you"
Though the feeling's always there

But somehow those three little words
Are the hardest ones to share

And fathers say "I love you"
In ways that words cant't match--
With tender bedtime stories
Or a friendly game of catch!

You can see the words "I love you"
In a father's boyish eyes
When he runs home, all excited,
With a poorly wrapped surprise.

A father says "I love you"
With his strong helping hands
With a smile when you are in trouble
With the way he understands.
He says "I love you" haltingly,
With awkward tenderness--
(It's hard to help a four-year-old into a party dress!)

He speaks his love unselfishly
By giving all he can
To make some secret dream come ture,
Or follow through a plan.

A father's seldom-spoken love
Sounds clearly through the years--
Sometimes in peals of laughter,
Sometimes through happy tears.

Perhaps they have to speak their love
In a fashion all their own.
Because the love that fathers feel
Is too big for words alone!

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