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[日期:2007-04-24]   [字体: ]


1.The film brought me back to the time ____ I was taken good care of in the far-away village.

 A.until    B.that    C.when    D.where

2.A baby animal knows animals of ____ own kind when it sees them,when it smells them and when it hears them.

 A.her    B.one’s    C.its    D.their

3.He had hoped to go to the U.S. by plane,but last week he came to China for ____  visit in    European ship.

 A.the;不填   B.a;a    C.不填;a   D.a;an

4.The Parkers bought a new house but ____ will need a lot of work before they can move in.

 A.they    B.it    C.one    D.which

5.You’ve switched the machine off.I told you not to,____ ?

 A.didn’t I   B.haven’t yuo  C.will yuo   D.did I

6.Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology ____ so rapidly.

 A.is changing   B.has changed  C.will have changed  D.will change

7.Look,the firemen are fighting against the fire.You must ____ the way.

 A.keep on   B.stand up  C.keep in touch with  D.keep out of

8.I can’t quite remember ____ you started to do the work.

 A.that it was when     B.when was it that

 C.that was it when     D.when it was that

9.No sooner ____ his talk ____ he was surrounded by the workers.

 A.he finished;as      B.he had finished;then

 C.had he finished;than     D.did he finish;when

10.We didn’t plan our art exhibition like that but it ____ very well.

 A.worked out  B.tried out   C.went on   D.carried on

11.As a result of destroying the forests,a large ____ of desert ____ covered the land.

 A.number;has  B.quantity;has  C.number;have  D.quantity;have

12.The sunlight came in ____ the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room.

 A.through   B.across    C.on    D.over

13.It’s difficult to say ____ this portrait was painted.

 A.how    B.whose    C.that    D.whom

14.Helen had to pay extra at the airport because she had ____.

 A.much too luggage     B.too many pieces of luggages

 C.too much luggage     D.too many luggages

15.—Write to me when you get home.

   — ____ .

 A.I must   B.I should   C.I will    D.I can

16.Would you slow down a bit,please? I can’t ____ you.

 A.keep up with  B.put up with  C.make up to  D.hold on to

17. ____ at the door before entering,please. 

 A.knocked   B.To knock   C.Knocking   D.Knock

18.—Come on,hurry up!____ your room and make your bed!

  —No,I won’t!It’s not fair!

 A.Cleaning   B.Tidy    C.Settled   D.To sweep

19. ____ person with ____ good education usually gets ____ good job.

 A.The;a;不填  B.A;a;a   C.The;不填;the   D.A;不填;不填

20.—Why haven’t you bought any butter?

   —I ____ to but I forgot about it.

 A.liked    B.wished  C.meant     D.expected

21.Two metres of snow fell during the night.As a result,several main roads ____ .

 A.piled snow      B.had been closed

 C.were blocked     D.covered with snow

22.Have a good rest,you need to ____ your energy for the tennis match his afternoon.

 A.leave    B.save   C.hold     D.get

23.The home improvements have taken what little there is ____ my spare time.

 A.from    B.in   C.of     D.at

24.—Are they new methods taking any effect?

  —Yes. ____ articles are stolen from our supermarket.

 A.Few    B.Fewer   C.Some     D.None of

25.I’ll wait here until 6:00,so ____ here by then.

 A.try and be      B.trying to get

 C.you to come     D.to be sure to reach

答案:1.C。关系词when(指代先行词hours)在定语从句中作状语。2.C。of one’s own中的one’s要使用与主语人称一致的物主代词。3.B。不定冠词表示泛指。4.B 5.A。此题陈述句中的谓语动词told是肯定形式,因而其后的附加问句要用否定式。6.A。该题题干为一个含有原因状语从句的主从复合句,主句陈述的情况是一客观事实,原因从句强调一直正在进行的动作。7.D。keep out of the way是“闪开;不要挡路”之意,其余选项均不合题意。8.D。此题强调引导宾语从句的连接词when,注意语序是陈述句语序。9.C 10.A。work out在此处作“(情况)发展得或进行得……”解。11.B 12.A 13.D。此题中的who可以改成whom,作介词by的宾语。14.C。luggage为不可数名词,无复数形式。15.C 16.A 17.D 18.B。空缺处填动词原形,构成祈使句。19.B。从句意看,该句讲述的是一般性的道理,属泛指,而不是特指。20.C 21.C。从句意看,应该是先下雪,后路关闭,因此空缺处不可用过去完成时。22.B 23.C。该句为一个含有宾语从句的主从复合句,连接代词what连同所修饰的在从句中作主语的名词little提到从句之首。little of my spare time意思是“仅有的业余时间”。24.B 25.A。此题题干是一个并列句,由并列连词so连接。在第二个分句中,若选B、C、D,句中都缺少谓语动词。

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