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[日期:2007-04-24]   [字体: ]



1.How long will it take Yamada to fly around the world?

 A.More than 50 hours.     B.Less than 50 hours.

 C.Exactly 50 hours.       D.Less than 40 hours.

2.How fast does the newest plane go at present?

 A.600 miles an hour.     B.600 kilometres an hour.

 C.6000 metres an hour.   D.500 miles an hour.

3.How long did it take Magellan and his men to go around the world?

 A.Less than a year.    B.Over a year.

 C.Around 3 years.      D.About 2 years.

4.Which country was Magellan from?

 A.Portugal.   B.Spain.  C.Italy.   D.England.

5.With how many ships and how many people did Magellan leave Spain?

 A.5 ships,214 men.    B.5 ships,140 men.

 C.5 ships,240 men.    D.4 ships,240 men.

key: 1.B  2.A  3.D  4.A  5.C 

 Choose the best answer according to what you hear.(Twice)

    Our world is getting smaller and smaller.Miss Yamada can fly around the world in less than 50 hours.The newest planes go 600miles an hour,and we are now developing planes that are even faster.But it used to take a lot longer to go around the world.Magellan's men were the first to make the trip.It took them more than two years.They went by ship.Magellan was from Portugal,buthe sailed for the king ofSpain.On september 20,1519,he leftSpain with five ships and 240men.He was killed in the Philippine Islands.More than two years later,on De- cember 21,1521,one of the five ships with only 31men returned to Spain.Magellan's voyage proved that men could sailaround the world.It proved that the world was round

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