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[图文][初三] 阅读理解专项训练(5)

[日期:2007-04-26]   [字体: ]


John Brown married Mary Smith and they had three children.John Brown is a builder and his wife is a teacher.Their children are all grow up now and have jobs of their own.

1.What kind of jobs do John and Mary's children have?

A.Two are teachers like their father.

B.One is an artist.

C.Two are nurses.

D.One is a builder like his father.

John and Mary Brown had two sons called George and Fred and a daughter called Ann.Ann and her husband had a daughter called Susan and a son.

2.Whose first name does Ann's son have?

A.He has his grandfather's.B.He has his aunt's.

C.He has his brother's.D.He has his uncle's

John and Mary Brown's children all got married and had children themselves.The family is now quite big.Sometimes it's difficult to remember who everyone is.

3.Who is the little girl called Jane Brown?

A.She is Angela's granddaughter.B.She's David's sister.

C.She's Sara's sister.D.She's Ann's aunt.

John and Mary Brown now have lots of grandchildren.Some of them are old enough to work.Others are still at school.

4.Which of these sentences about John and Mary's grandchildren is TRUE?

A.Three of them are married.

B.Five of them are teachers.

C.Four of them are in one family.

D.Only two of them are girls.

Young John Brown is nine years old.He doesn't like school very much,but he likes all kinds of games.When he grows up he wants to be a footballer.

5.Who else in the family is a footballer?

A.John's uncle.B.John's cousin

C.John's grandfather D.John's brother

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