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大学英语"四位一体"六级考试阶段练习 答案

[日期:2007-04-26]   [字体: ]

I.  A. 1)hopeful  2) speechless  3) loyalty    4) unity 5) lengthen 6) blacken 7) modernize  8) clockwise  9) backwards  10) pointed

B. 1) d  2) f  3) a  4) g  5) b  6) e  7) c  8) j  9) h  10) i

II. 1.B  2.C  3.B  4.A  5.C  6.A 

7.D  8.C  9.A  10.A  11.B  12.A  13.C  14.A  15.D

III. A. 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. D

     B.    Making Dumplings

There are four separate stages in making dumplings. The first stage begins by mixing flour with warm water. Then a thorough kneading of dough is needed, after which the dough is left for half an hour. The second stage is to prepare stuffing for dumplings. This process begins by chopping up meat. When the meat filling is ready, it is then mixed with some chopped cabbage or celery. At the same time, salt, oil, and other spices are added to it. The third stage involves rolling out dumpling wrappers; each of the wrapper is then filled with some stuffing and kneaded with the fingers. In the final stage the dumplings are boiled for about 10 minutes. The whole process of dumpling-making comes to an end when the boiled dumplings are ladled out onto the serving plates.

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