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[日期:2007-04-28]   [字体: ]

16.These metal spheres had been magnetized_________they at-tracted or repelled each other .

 A) in order that   B) so that

 C) so they were   D) so long as

17.No sooner had I opened the door_________I found a stranger lying on my bed.

 A) and    B) then    C) than   D) when

18.Hydrogen is the fundamental element of the  universe_________it provides the building blocks from which the other elements are produced.

 A) so that B) but that C) in that D) provided that(1995考研,第6题)

19.In debating, one must correct the opponent's(A) facts, deny the relevance of his proof, or deny that(B) what(C) he presents as proof, unless(D) relevant , is sufficient. (1995年考研第6题)

20.If individuals are awakened(A) each time as(B) they begin a dream phase of sleep, they are likely to become irritable even though(C) their total amount of sleep has been(D) sufficient. (1995年考研,第20题)

21.Scientists generally aGREe that the Earth's climate will warm up over the next 50 to100 years_________it has warmed in the 20,000 years since the Ice Age.

 A) as long as B) as much as   C) as soon as  D) as well as(1994年考研,第10题)

22. If only(A) the nature of the aging process is(B) better understand,the possibility of discovering(C) a medicine that can block the fundamental process of aging seems(D) very remote. (1994年考研,第18题)

23.  When I consider how talented he is(A) as a painter(B), I cannot help but believing(C) that the public(D) will appreciate his gift.

24._________you are leaving tomorrow, we can eat dinner together tonight.

 A) For   B) Since  C) Before  D) While(B4,1999.6-58)

25.Men differ from wild beasts_________they have beautiful thought and they can express their thoughts in clear and fitting language.

 A) so that      B) by the way  C) in that  D) as a result(2000年全国大学生英语竞赛决赛题)

26. Though my aunt pursued what was, in these days, an en-lightened policy_________she never allowed her domestic staff to work more than eight hours a day, she was extremely difficult to please. 

 A) from   B) in that C) with whom  D) by what


27.Why should he do me an injury_________he has already saved my life

 A) because   B) as  C) after  D) when

28._________wins this civil war there will be little rejoicing vic-tory.

 A) Whoever   B) Who   C) What  D)Whatever

29.I was advised to arrange for insurance_________I needed medical treatment.

 A) nevertheless   B) although   C) in case     D) so that


30.  These birds have_________they cannot get into the air even if they try.

 A) so small wings that  B) such small wings that

 C) small wings so that  D) small wings as

31.She had to repeat the words several times to the old man_________his eyes opened.

 A) as  B) while   C) before D) since





19.D错,应改为though. 在辩论中,一方必须纠正对方的事实;否认他的论据与论题有关;或者,尽管他提出的论据与论题有关,我方却否定其论据是充分的。

20. B错。应改为each time.睡眠人每次开始进入梦乡时,如果都把他们叫醒,那么即使他们的睡眠总量足够,他们也可能变得烦躁易怒。

21. B对。科学家普遍同意这样的观点:在今后的五十到一百年内,地球的气候将会变暖,其程度与冰河时代以来的两万年变暖的程度相同。

22. A错,应改为Unless. 除非我们能更好地了解衰老的过程,否则,发明一种能阻止衰老基本过程的药的可能性是很渺茫的。

23. C错,应改为believing. 我一想到他作为画家所具有的才能,就不由得相信公众一定会赞赏他的天赋。(cannot help believing 和 cannot help but believe 都是正确的结构。)

24.  B对。既然你明天要动身走了,我们今晚可以一起吃晚饭。


26.B对。 虽然我的婶婶那时侯实行开明的政策:她从不允许国内的员工每天工作超过八小时,但她是个极难取悦的人。

27. D对。他既然救了我,为什么还会伤害我?


29. C对。有人劝我投保,以防需要治病。

30. B对。这些鸟的翅膀太小了,即使它们想飞上天空也不可能。

31. C对。她不得不把话向老人重复好几次,他才睁开眼睛。

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