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[日期:2007-04-29]   [字体: ]

   1. alone, lone 和 lonely

    alone 作形容词和副词用,是“独自一人”(by oneself) 或“只有,仅有”(and no other);作 形容词用通常只作表语:

  I'm all alone here at present. 我现在孤单一人在这里。

  It was dreadful to find oneself alone in such a place.孤独一人在这么一个地方是很可怕的。

  I am anxious about leaving Jimmy alone in the house. 让吉米一人留在房子里,我很担心。

  You are hardly fit to travel alone at present. 照目前的情况,你不宜单独旅行。

  我们不说* He is the alone person who knows it. 该说:He is the only person who knows it. (他是唯一知道此事的人。)

  lone 是形容词,只作定语,是“孤零零的一个”:

  In the cloudy sky only one lone star could be seen. 在多云的天空,只看见孤零零的一颗星。

  There's a lone tree in the garden. 花园里孤零零地有一棵树。

  lonely 作形容词用,带有浓厚的感情色彩,是“孤单,寂寞;荒凉”的意思:

  I shall have a companion in the house after these lonely years.在多年寂寞生活之后,我将在家中有个伴了。

  The house was built in the lonely spot. 房子建在一个荒凉的地方。

  I was alone, but not lonely. 我孤单一人,但不寂寞。

  2. ability, capacity, competence, talent  ability 是“ power and skill, esp. to do, think, act” 。即“(做、思考、行动、制造方面的)能力和技能”。例:ability to make a boat (制造一艘船的能力),musical ability (音乐方面的才能),ability in diploma-cy (外交才能),remarkable ability (杰出的才能)。

  capacity 也作 ability 讲,例:They recognized his capacities / abilities as a man of business. 人们承认他具有企业家的才干。

  但 capacity 的更常用意义是“容纳力、容量,”(ability to  hold, contain ,get sth. ),例:The cinema has a capacity of 1000.该影剧院能容纳1000人。

  It is a leading enterprise in this country with a production capacity of ten million cars a year. 这是该国一家大型企业,具有年生产一千万辆汽车的能力。

  ability 后接to不定式,for或in 短语,但不接of 短语;而capacity可后接to不定式或of doing sth. :
Most of the students of our college have the ability to speak English. 我们学校大多数学生都具有说英语的能力。

  He showed considerable ability in / for organization when he was a child. 他从小就表现出非凡的组织能力。

  The scientist has the capacity of doing/to do important research. 这位科学家有能力进行重要的科学研究。

  competence 除了作“能力”讲外,还作“ 财力、胜任、资格、权限”讲:

  He has wisely resolved to defer the ceremony until he has saved the competence necessary to support a family .他已经明智地作出决定,把婚礼推迟,直到他的储蓄足以维持一家人生活时才举行。

  This case is beyond this court's competence .  这项诉讼超出该法庭的权限。

  talent是 special natural or learnt ability or skill, esp.of a high quality,即“天才,某方面的特殊才能 ”,也指“有才能的人、人才”:

  He showed an unusual talent for organization in primary school. 他小学时就表现出非凡的才能。

  The boy is a real mathematics talent . 那男孩是个真正的数学天才。

  “数学才能”可以是:ability/capacity/talent for mathematics。

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