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[组图][初二] 2001年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛初二组试题解析(六)

[日期:2007-04-29]   [字体: ]


Read the information(信息) about Keiko and Mark.Answer the questions below.

Keiko Wilson


Job : an interpreter
Country : Japan
Town : New York
Place of work :at the United    Nations
Languages :Japanese, English and French
Family : married to an American, two sons
Free time :skiing


Mark Konig

Job           a journalist for the BBC
Country       England
Town          Moscow
Place of work in an office
Languages     English Russianand German
Family        married ,three daughters
Free time     listening to music

31.Where does Keiko Wilson live?
32.How many children does Mark have?
33.What language will Keiko and Mark use when they talk to each other?
34.What does Mark like to do when he is free?

本题是Keiko和M ark两个人的个人资料,31小题是针对Keiko的,在信息卡中找到“Town New York”,回答“New York.”或“She lives in New York.”。32小题,是针对M ark的,与此对应的是“three daughters”,简答为“Three.”即可。33小题,是问他们两人的语言,通过信息卡我们知道,两人都能运用三种语言,而共同语言是“English”,答案应是“English.”。34小题,是针对“M ark's free time”的,根据信息卡,可以填写“Listening to music.”或“He likes listening to music.”。


Read the passage and fill in the blanks on the right.
   The Mong Kok Public Library(公共图书馆) is open from nine in the morning to seven in the evening.On Sundays it is open from nine to one.It is closed on public holidays.
   Bill and his father often go to the library.His father always goes to the second floor.Bill likes to read the books for children on the first floor.They sometimes go to the third floor to watch video programmes or listen to music.

本题要求填写的内容有两个方面:1.Mong Kok公共图书馆的开放时间;2.不同的读者在该图书馆不同的楼层所进行的活动。做填表题时,所填内容既要简明,又要切中要害。表中已填好的项目是同学们答题的重要参照。下面结合题目略作分析:




39.从短文第二段可以看出,图书馆的第一层是供孩子们看的书籍,第二层是供成年人(adult)看的书籍。再根据表中已给出的 Adults'Library填法,本题应填Children's Library。

40.原文讲到在该图书馆的第三层,可供人看录像或听音乐,故这里应填楼层数。参照表中楼层的写法,本题答案应是3rd floor。

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