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[日期:2007-07-28]   [字体: ]

A: Let's plan all the things we can do.

A: 让我们计划一下我们能做些什么。

B: Good idea.  I'm sure you'll have a busy time.

B: 好主意。我肯定你将很忙碌。

A: Well, it's GREat to be here in Beijing.  The city has a real buzz.

A: 哦,到北京来真好。这个城市真热闹。

B: Yes, these are exciting times.  Lots of change.

B: 是的,这是激动人心的时刻。有很多的变化。

A: And the Olympics coming.  I think Beijing is a very cool city at the moment.

A: 奥运会即将召开了。我想到时北京将是个非常漂亮的城市。

B: Thanks.  We all hope the Olympics will be a GREat success for Beijing and China.

B: 谢谢。我们都希望中国北京举办的奥运会将圆满成功。

Notes 注释

1. The colloquial phrase buzz / buzz is often used to describe places that are exciting and full of activity and energy, eg There is a real buzz about Beijing / There is a real buzz about Beijing.
口语化的词语 buzz / 喧闹经常用于描述举行盛大活动气氛热闹的地方。例如:There is a real buzz about Beijing / 北京非常热闹。

2. You can use hope / hope to express a strong wish about something, eg: We hope the Olympics are a GREat success / We hope the Olympics are a great success.
你可以用hope / 希望来表达对某事的强烈愿望。例如:We hope the Olympics are a GREat success /我们希望奥运会圆满成功。

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