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面试英语:About Reasons for Application 关于应聘原因

[日期:2007-08-27]   [字体: ]

  Key Sentences(重点句子)

  1.Why do you come here for a job?


  2.Thank you for your interest in this position.Why do you consider yourself qualified for this job?


  3.I speak fairly good English and I enjoy meeting different kinds of people,so I think I could handle the work of a receptionist.


  4.Why did you choose to come here for a job?


  5.I hope to have a job which offers me an opportunity for advancement.


  6.What interest you most about this job?


  7.I like to work in a team and enjoy solving problems together.


  8.What do you think you would bring to the job?


  9.Why should I hire you?


  10.Did you choose this company on account of high pay?


  11.I have the educational background and relevant experience required by the job.Besides,I am a very good team player and have the desire to make a thorough success.


  12.My business experience in China,mainly.I know a lot abut how the Chinese market works and how business is done there.


  13.Why did you choose this coportation?


  14.My past work experience is closely related to this job.I am confident of doing the job well.Therefore I am desirous to get this position.


  15.I know that you do a very big international business,so I thought it would be a good place for me to make use of the experience I have had abroad.


  16.My educational background and professional experience make me qualified for the job.


  17.What do you consider important when looking for a job?


  18.I think the most important thing is the nature of the job.

  One should never do anything one is not Interested in.


  Dialogue A

  (I= Interviewer主试人 A=Applicant受试人)

  I:What made you choose this company?

  A:Your company has earned a very good reputation,not only because your products are of high quality,but also your well-constructed management system.I want to contribute my effort to such an outstanding company which cares not only the customers' needs,but also welfare of the employees.

  I:What do you know abut this company?

  A: I know this is one of the biggest trading companies in the world.It was established in London in 1940,with a total of 40 million US dollars.It employs more than 17,000 staff throughout the world.

  I:Thank you for your interest in this position.Why do you consider yourself qualified for the job?

  A:I have the educational background and relevant experience required by the job.Besides,I am a very good team player and  have the desire to make a thorough success.

  I:What interest you most about this job?

  A:I like to work in a team and enjoy solving problems together.

  I:Have you applied for a similar post to any other companies?

  A:Yes,I've applied to General Electric China Incorporation but that was just to get experience in being interviewed.It would be hard for me to get employed by such a large company, I am afraid.That's why I want to enter this company.

  I:What was the result of your application to that company?

  A:They turned me down.

  I:Why don't you think you got the job?

  A:I think the only reason is that I was too nervous during the interview and I couldn't express myself the way I wanted to.

  Dialogue B

  I:What's your career objective?

  A:I want to apply my knowledge and experience to a large firm.

  I:What would you like to be doing five years from now?

  A:I hope I could be a leader of an energetic and productive sales team.

  I:What do you consider important when looking for a job?

  A:I think the most important thing is the nature of the job.One should never do anything one is not interested in.To me,pleasant working conditions with cooperative staff are also important.

  I:Why are you interested in working in this company?

  A:My past experience is closely related to this job.I am confident of doing the job well.Therefore I am desirous to get this position.

  I:What do you think you would bring to the job?

  A:My business experience in China,mainly.I know a lot about how the Chinese market works and how business is done there.

  I:Have you applied to any other companies?

  A:Yes,I've also applied to Global Huada Company Itd.,in ease I may not be accepted here.

  I:What was the result of it?

  A:I haven't heard the result yet.

  I:If you are engaged by both companies,whose offer will you accept?

  A:of course,I'll accept your offer.I want to work for you.


  1.Your company has earned a very good reputation,not only because your products are of high quality,but also your well-constructed management system.


  2.I want to contribute my effort to such an outstanding company which cares not only the customers' needs,but also welfare of the employees.


  3.It employs more than 17,000 staff throughout the world.


  4.Yes,I've applied to General Electric China Incorporation but that was just to get experience in being interviewed.


  5.They turned me down .


  6.I think the only reason is that I was too nervous during the interview and I couldn't express myself the way I wanted to.


  7.What's your career objective?


  8.I hope I could be a leader of an energetic and productive sales team.


  9.Yes,I've also applied to Global Huada Company Ltd.in case I may not be accepted here.


  10.If you are engaged by both companies,whose offer will you accept?


  Words and Expressions

  receptionist               n.接待员

  advancement            n.提升,提高

  hire v.雇用,聘用

  on account of                                       由于,因为

  relevant                           a.有关的,相关的

  corporation              n.股份有限公司

  be related to                                          与……有关系

  confident                    a.有把握的,有信心的

  desirous                       a.希望的,渴望的

  professional               a.职业的,专业化的

  staff                                       n.全体职员

  turn sb. down                                       拒绝某人

  nervous                                a.紧张的,不安的

  career                                    n.职业、事业

  energetic                      a.精力充沛的,精神饱满的

  productive                      a.生产力高的,有生产力的

  co-operative           a.合作的

  therefore                               ad.因此,所以

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