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[日期:2007-11-23]   [字体: ]

Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)


Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the

end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A),B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. ?

1. A) His grades in science courses are very good.?

B) He hasn’t taken enough courses in geology.?

C) He likes geology enough to continue with it.?

D) He doesn’t want to take any more science courses. ?

2. A) She wasn’t able to finish the dissertation.?

B) She’s not sure how to solve the mystery.?

C) She’s not sure how she was able to finish so early.?

D) How to write the dissertation is a mystery?

3. A) Only one person can come.

B) There have been a few responses.?

C) They need one more response.

D) Almost everyone can come ?

4. A) The students in the class did not enjoy the field trip.?

B) The transportation for the trip is free.?

C) Some people may not go on the trip.?

D) All the students in the class have paid the transportation fee. ?

5. A) Sarah moved to a new address two weeks ago.

B) They should pay Sarah a visit.?

C) They should stop visiting Sarah.

D) They should pick up Sarah. ?

6. A) Look for a big office.

B) Make a bet with others.?

C) Rent a house with a bathroom and a kitchen.

D) Move to another house. ?

7. A) In a bookstore.

B) In the woman’s house.?

C) In the library.

D) In the laboratory. ?

8. A) The apartments are too small for the students to share.?

B) Very few students could afford to live there.?

C) Most students are easy to reach the apartments.?

D) Two bedrooms rents for 1,600 dollars. ?

9. A) She’s not so enthusiastic about academics.

B) She’s unable to use computers.?

C) She wishes she could be a better students.

D) Her capacities of learning computers is better than his. ?

10. A) Examine the typing mistakes

B) Have someone else type his papers.?

C) Ask another person to check his work.

D) He is always looking for his papers. ?


Directions: In this section you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear one question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices market A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. ?

Passage 1

?Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard:?

11. A) They have the same mechanisms of vocal development.?

B) They begin with babbling when learning to produce sound.?

C) They both sing perfectly.?

D) They need the same time period to finish their vocal development. ?

12. A) Whether the mechanisms of vocal development are the same in humans and birds.?

B) Whether baby songbirds can respond to social interactions.?

C) The role of imitation and social interactions ?

D) Whether human infants and baby songbirds share the same vocal development path.?

13. A) Imitation B) Sensory capacities. C) Maternal behavior. D) Social learning. ?

Passage 2

?Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard:?

14. A) He is capable and likes finishing his works alone..?

B) He is the most famous and influential producer in the history of rock music.

?C) He is good at cooperate with others.?

D) He is more than a producer. ?

15. A) Because he produced a distinctive “wall of sound”, in which a number of instruments are blended together.?

B) Because he preferred to have the sounds of multiple instruments mixed together.?
C) Because besides being a producer, he did many other things such as operated his own record company.?

D) Because he worked together with singers, actors and directors. ?

16. A) Because his works are the combination of all the traditional works.?

B) Because his works are produced by several instruments.?

C) Because his works have a stereo.?

D) Because his works feature all of the current artists. ?

Passage 3

?Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard:?

17. A) 86 percent of US college students say the Net has had a negative impact on their college academic experience?

B) 28 percent of college students say they use the Internet most often to keep in touch with their friends.?

C) Nearly 80 percent of college students in the US say they use the Internet to download music files?

D) Many students say the Internet is essential to both their academic and social lives. ?

18. A) 80 percent. B) 73 percent. C) 38 percent. D) 28 percent. ?

19. A) Some US college students use the Internet to express ideas to a professor.?B) Some US college students use the Internet to improve their relationships with their classmates and professors.?

C) Some US college students use the Internet to call their friends.?

D) Some US college students use the Internet to correspond with family. ?

20. A) The Internet has influenced the US college students’ daily life tremendously. ?B) The Internet has had a negative impact on the US college students’ daily life. ?C) The US college students are indifferent to the Internet.?

D) The US college students are enthusiastic about making friends. ??

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by

some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. ?

Passage 1

?Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage: ?

According to Forrester Research, 8.6 million online shoppers access the Internet via a high-speed connection, compared to 12 million using dial-up. Taken alone, those findings are hardly groundbreaking. What’s noteworthy is the rest of the picture that emerges from that study: Those broadband users are younger, richer , and better informed than their narrowband counterparts. They spend more time and money online and are more likely to buy customized products and services. ?

So why hasn’t the Internet become the focus for broadband companies seeking to establish relationships with a demographic that has demonstrated a preference for their product? Simply put, until recently, their attempts fell flat. ?

Just over a year ago, our agency launched an online performance-based e-marketing campaign to promote a broadband service. Despite engaging creative and a compelling offer, it met with resounding silence. Six months later, the response was only marginally better. ?

So we were only cautiously optimistic two months later when we launched another campaign for the same advertiser, using the same offer. This time, it was a success. Response rates tripled and the customer acquisition cost dropped from $300 to under $100. ?

Clearly, the floodgates have opened and the most sought-after consumers are rushing through to broadband. And while the surge in response wasn’t a complete surprise given the emphasis placed on marketing broadband services, it was enough to make us curious about what other factors were at play. ?

What we discovered was a scenario where so many people have experienced broadband’s superiority at work, school, and even in friends’ homes that they know what they’re missing. ?

According to U.S. News & World Report, some 20 million households nationwide now have broadband, with another 100,000 signing up each week. That saturation has created a market of increasingly discontent dial-up subscribers for broadband companies to reach. ?

Imagine the impact when -- as dial-up users impatiently wait for Web pages to load -- an ad pops up promising lightning-fast access. Their response starts an on going relationship managed through newsletters and other e-mail communications designed to keep them informed about value-added services, special promotions, etc. ?Not only is it a demographic pre-disposed to online CRM, it is also one that is far from oversold. In fact, less than one-third of U.S. households will subscribe to a broadband service by 2006. And as services designed specifically for broadband increase and support for dial-up declines, the 42 percent of Internet users who said they didn’t need broadband will become receptive to a well-focused CRM program. ?But it won’t last forever. While the window of opportunity to reach broadband buyers online is open, it’s not likely to stay that way. Broadband may be the current heir apparent for connectivity, but wireless has given every indication it will be a sleeper hit, emerging from nowhere to take the top spot.?

In short, the time for broadband companies to establish online customer relation ships is now -- before the window slams shut. ?

21. What is NOT mentioned as the result of Forrester Research in the first paragraph? ?A) A lot of online shoppers access the Internet by broadband.?

B) Broadband users get more information than the dial-up users.?

C) It is probable for broadband users to buy the products specially made for them.?D) It is the first time for people to find out the number of broadband and narrowband users. ?

22. What did the online performance-based e-marketing campaign bring at first?

?A) The promotion of a broadband service.

B) Cautious responses.?

C) No response at all.

D) Some marginal responses. ?

23. Why did another campaign become a success later? ?

A) Because the agency has used a compelling offer.?

B) Because people have enjoyed the broadband’s advantages in their daily life.

?C) Because the agency has spent a lot of money on the advertisements.?

D) Because people become curious about the broadband. ?

24. It can be inferred from the passage that____. ?

A) Few is likely to use dial-up in the future.?

B) Broadband companies should establish online customer relationships now.?

C) About 20 million households nationwide now have broadband.?

D) People design more services specially for broadband. ?

25. What is the main idea of this passage? ?

A) How Forrester Research got the valuable information.?

B) Why people want to use broadband.?

C) How broadband services find success in online CRM.?

D) Broadband services have GREat influence on people. ?

Passage 2

?Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage: ?

The following passage is an opening speech by Lord Weidenfeld, founder of the Europaeum and Chairman, Weidenfeld and Nicolson Publishers?I am very privileged and gratified to talk to you today. I think it is most appropriate to have this meeting at the Humboldt University, Berlin, because of the impulse to the creation to the European network, to the sequence of events, and that GREat turning point of history, which is symbolised by the fall of the Berlin wall. It was that particular impulse that started an enterprise to bring together teachers and students in, first of all, Western European Universities to offer resources to those universities which had only recently emerged in other parts of Europe. So we started the Europaeum network. Six universities joined us initially. We then approached the University of Prague to join us for the beginning of an enlargement, which would also to include universities previously behind the Iron Curtain. The group that we assembled around the Europaeum logo is by no means exclusive and we would very much like to enlarge it. The term ’variable geometry’ is very fashionable in international politics, but I think it also applies to our intentions, we want it to expand and include other universities either as full members or associates so free standing research institutes. ?

Thanks to the generosity of our German sponsor DaimlerChrysler, particularly the Davies Group of the organization, Dr Klaus Mangold and Dr Bensel, we are now engaging in a study of the roles of the universities in the future. We have a number of ideas regarding how to set about answering these three major questions: What is the future role of the university? If we have established what it is, how do we equip it to produce the resources and do its job and what role does it play in our society? We hope to have a number of ongoing conferences and exchanges of views on the subject thanks to the friendly and co-operation of Humboldt University. ?

We are now in a new era since 11 September. I think that one day we will regard that approximate decade from the fall of the wall in Berlin and the destruction of the World Trade Centre in New York. Here it is important that we play our role. In what we now see in the plateau of Central Southeast Asia, a holy alliance of barbarism, fanaticism and high tech product of the information society. The University, by having as a component an important dosage of humanism, makes all the difference between a Robespierre like revolution or a continuation of the human spirit with the new resources and tools, carefully husbanded, monitored and controlled. ?

Thanks to President of Humboldt University, Professor Michael Kreile, Professor Pera, Paul Flather and colleagues.?

26. What is the attitude of the speaker toward the development of Europaeum? ?

A) Europaeum is open to almost all universities.

B) Europaeum is exclusive to some enterprises.?

C) Europaeum is open only to research institutes.

D) Europaeum is exclusive to any other universities. ?

27. What can be concluded about the Europaeum logo from the first paragraph? ?

A) Being no exclusive.?

B) Bringing together teachers and students in Western European Universities.?

C) Enlarging Europaeum.?

D) Having variable geometry. ?

28. What is the subject of this conference? ?

A) How to equip a university to produce the resources.?

B) How to enlarge a university to some extent.?

C) How to cooperate with other universities.?

D) A study of the roles of the universities in the future. ?

29. What kind of organization does the speaker hope to have? ?

A) An organization in which they play an important role.?

B) An organization full of humanism.?

C) An organization of revolution.?

D) An organization full of information. ?

30. What is the purpose of the organization? ?

A) To continue and develop human spirit with new resources and tools. ?

B) To exchange views with different universities.?

C) To unite universities and enterprises.?

D) To create the European network to continue humanism. ?

Passage 3

?Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:?

When a heart-lung machine was invented that could take over the job of the heart

, put oxygen into the blood and keep the circulation going during surgery, surgeons could stop the heart while they were cutting and suturing. Recently, in certain cases, some surgeons have begun operating without the pump while the heart continues to beat.?

“The benefits of off-pump surgery are tremendous for patients who meet the criteria for this procedure,” says Dr. Jim Zellner with the Alliance of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Surgeons. “There is less need for blood products, less chance of complications during and after surgery, earlier recovery and earlier return to regular activity.” ?

Seawood Murray feels he was led by God to find Dr. Zellner and Memorial Hospital and to have off-pump surgery.?

A veteran of the United States Navy as a nuclear weapons security officer and commanding officer of a mine assembly group for more than 31 years, Seawood has never complained about stress or pain. He saw three tours of duty off the coast of Vietnam. ?

However, after suffering from chest pain for almost a year and being misdiagnosed with chronic heartburn, Seawood knew something was seriously wrong. At the Veteran’s hospital in Murfreesboro, he learned he had heart disease and was told to come back in six weeks.?

“I didn’t want to wait that long and asked for a referral to The Chattanooga Heart Institute,” Seawood says. “Dr. Noel Hunt found that 40% of my heart was not getting the amount of blood it needed to operate properly.” ?

Four days later, Seawood was undergoing off-pump triple bypass surgery at Memorial Hospital under the hand of Dr. Zellner. ?

“I was sitting up that evening, walking around the second day and feeling good enough to go home the third day, but I stayed till the fourth morning,” Seawood says. “Two others who had on-pump bypass surgery the same day I had mine off-pump were barely walking when I left.”?

31. How do surgeons usually operate on a heart-attacker according to the passage? ?

A) They operate without a pump.

B) They operate with a heart-lung machine.?

C) They operate by stopping the heart.

D) They operate with nothing but cutting and suturing. ?

32. Which of the following statements is NOT the benefit of off-pump surgery? ?

A) The heart-attack patients will be recovered in one day.?

B) There are fewer chances for heart-attack patients to suffer from other new diseases during the course of hear attack.?

C) Off-pump surgery needs fewer blood products.?

D) The heart-attack patients will be well again earlier. ?

33. What’s wrong with Seawood Murray? ?

A) He suffered from chronic heartburn.?

B) He suffered from heart attack.?

C) He had three tours of duty off the coast of Vietnam.?

D) His heart couldn’t get blood it needed to operate. ?

34. What did Dr. Zellner do for Seawood Murray’s disease? ?

A) Dr. Zellner gave him a surgery with a heart-lung machine..?

B) Dr. Zellner diagnosed his disease as chronic heartburn.?

C) Dr. Zellner gave him an off-pump triple bypass surgery.?

D) Dr. Zellner referred him to another hospital. ?

35. What can we learn from the last paragraph? ?

A) Seawood Murray could hardly walk four days after the surgery.?

B) Seawood Murray got recovered more slowly than other patients.?

C) Seawood Murray felt well and went home the third day after the surgery.?

D) Seawood Murray went home the fourth day after the surgery. ?

Passage 4

?Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:?

The key element to successful interviewing is not your experience, your grades, what classes you took, your extracurricular activities, or any of the other basic necessities. Those skills are what got you the interview. The key element to uccessful interviewing can be summed up in one word: attitude. If you want to rise above others with better experience, better grades, or better anything, you will need to work on developing a highly positive work attitude. ?

Your attitude determines whether you will “make the cut” or be discarded. Remember, there are plenty of competitors with the ability to do almost any given job-- especially at the entry level. The way most employers differentiate at the entry level is by candidates’ attitudes toward the job. Your attitude is often what recruiters will remember when the dust has settled after reviewing ten, twenty, or even one hundred candidates--the one who was sincerely willing to put forth his very best effort. If you have the attitude of wanting to do your very best for the company, of being focused on the company’s needs, of putting yourself forth as the person who will be committed and dedicated to fulfilling their needs, you will likely be the one chosen. ?

Why is attitude so important? Because most companies already have their full share of multi-talented superstars who care about no one but themselves. Ask any manager who the most valuable member of his team is, and he will point not to the overrated superstar, but to the person who has the “can do” attitude, the person who can be counted on in any situation, the person who truly strives for excellence. Give me a team player who is achieving at 99% and I will take her over a FLASHy superstar who is running at 50% efficiency any day of the week. And so will 99% of all hiring managers. ?

So don’t worry if you are not “superstar” quality. If you can show me, in your words and actions, that you are ready to put forth your very best effort toward achieving excellence, you will be chosen over the superstar. ?

You can show your winning attitude in the way you present yourself. Incorporate the actual words “positive attitude,” “excellence,” and “striving to be my best” into your interview language. Then show by your stories and examples how these words positively affect your life. Show me when and where and how you have put forth extra effort above and beyond the call of duty. Show me how you beat a deadline, how you excelled in a project, or how you made a difference by going the extra mile. ?

If you can show me, by words and examples, your “can do” attitude, it is you I will hire, while all of the superstars will receive polite rejection letters to add to their growing collections.?

36. What is the key element to successful interviewing according to this passage? ?

A) Courses taken before.

B) A varied experience.?

C) A positive work attitude.

D) Interviewees’ capability. ?

37. Which of the following statement is correct in the author’s opinion? ?

A) There are inadequate competitors with the ability to do almost any given job— especially at the entry level.?

B) Most interviewers generally depend on the candidates’ attitudes toward the job to choose the employees.?

C) Most employers tell the difference between candidates by their entry level.?

D) Better experience and better grades become the most important elements to be chosen. ?

38. Who is the most valuable member of his team to a manager? ?

A) The multi-talented superstar.?

B) The person who tries his best for excellence.?

C) The person who counts on himself and does not cooperate with others.?

D) The FLASHy star who makes the company famous. ?

39. In an interview, what makes you leave a good impression on the interviewer? ?

A) Your boasting words.?

B) The words such as positive attitude, excellence, and striving to be my best.


C) Your own stories.?

D) Words and examples to show your positive attitude. ?

40. What is the best title for this passage? ?

A) Your Attitude Determines Whether You Will “Make The Cut” or Be Discarded.?

B) How to Find a Good Job.?

C) The Most Important Aspect of Interviewing.?

D) A Successful Interviewing. ??

Part Ⅲ Vocabulary (20 minutes)

Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. ?

41. To check that your mobile phone is ____with the products we sell, click on the link below that matches the manufacturer of your mobile phone. ?

A) confidential B) compatible C) conscientious D) conspicuous ?

42. 26% votes said they had a moment of silence or prayer to ____ the anniversary of Sept. 11. ?

A) commemorate B) manipulate C) withhold D) consensus ?

43. The medical researchers are trying to find out who is ____ to SARS. ?

A) infectious B) susceptible C) apt D) prompt ?

44. He is eager to get the information about when copyrights for computer authors or in visual arts ____. ?

A) abolish B) constrain C) amend D) expire ?

45. For the time being there are more____ to be filled in the companies, but

they are far from enough to meet the demands of so many graduates. ?

A)vacations B) varieties C)vacancies D) variations ?

46. The honest young man ____ the boss that he would try his best for the excellence. ?A) ensured B) assured

C) secured D) insured ?

47. The GREenhouse effect was partly____ for the global warming and the temperature changes are likely to have great effect on the spread of diseases. ?

A to blame B) blame

C) to be blamed D) blaming ?

48. ____to China Daily is a good choice for an English learner. ?

A) Prescribing B) Transcribing

C) Describing D) Subscribing ?

49. Keeping speaking a strange language to random individuals, he made everybody

____ by his behavior. ?

A) ridiculed B)

enchanted C) bewildered D) induced ?

50. Nobody can exactly ____ the cause of severe acute respiratory syndrome t

hough it has spread for a few months. ?

A) account with B) accou

nt on C) account for D)

account of ?

51. The jury____ the football star of having committed murder and he was s

entenced to capital punishment. ?

A) accused B) convi

cted C) charged D) acqui

tted ?

52. If your first business goal is to make money, you should set the goal of how

much money you expect to gain and then work____. ?

A) accordingly B)

therefore C) nevertheless D)

however ?

53. ____ the cultural revolution, he would have been a VIP in this field.

?A) In spite of B)

Or else C) Because of D)

But for ?

54. Xiao Wang is eager to go abroad to study architecture, but he hasn’t got a

(n)____ passport. ?

A) valid B)

efficient C) effective D)

practical ?

55. The budget cuts will ____ the future of our children, as we will be forced to eliminate educational services. ?

A) jeopardize B)

hazard C) venture D)

risk ?

56. Failing to____ the Information Revolution, they are unable to meet the demands of the modern society. ?

A) come up with B) face

up with C) keep up with D) live up with ?

57. They would like to gratefully ____ the contribution of time and effort

by the following companies. ?

A) admit B) acknowledge C) attribute D)accept ?

58. Tuition hike will ____ college plans, so it is necessary that the university administrators have a plan that will guarantee all of these students have

enough fund for completing their education. ?

A) prevail B) forbid C) prohibit D) hinder ?

59. Everybody could see that the young man was ____ going abroad to study,

whether his parents could afford the tuition or not. ?

A) lack of B) intent on C) deficient in D)adequate for ?

60. Exactly, the reason it’s so cool is that it is ____ to your mind and

eyes that squares A and B are the same color, but they are. ?

A) intelligible B) indicative C) inconceivable D) invariable ?

61. Students have to____ life after graduation, though they are graduating

without a clue about what they want to do with their lives. ?

A) contend B) contemplate C) visualize D)dwell ?

62. A local transaction management system is responsible for initiating, monitor

ing, and terminating____ in a computing system. ?

A) transactions B) transitions C) stimulations D)solutions ?

63. It is wise to draw a line between past and future, because it is impossible

to calculate all that has been done—it is incommensurable and it is unworthy t

o rummage in yesterday’s dust. ____ let us establish a new step. ?

A) Moreover B) Where

by C) However D) Hence forth ?

64. Researchers have identified a number of factors that affect how____ you

are to stress—among them are eating and sleeping habits, caffeine and alcohol

intake, and how we express our emotions. ?

A) vicious B) vulnerable C) vulgar D) void?

65. Instead, the Indians produced a ____bowing performance in which

their standards fell far below those on these GREat cricketing occasions. ?

A) feeble B) formidable C) exotic D) exquisite ?

66. No company will refuse to ____so mutually beneficial a plan as Jack c

ame up with at the meeting yesterday. ?

A) put up with B) push on to C) fall in with D) make up for ?

67. As a result, some children may not be ____ to the human suffering create

d by wars, or the sadness and anxiety other children experience as a result. ?

A) sensitive B) sentimental C) sensible D) positive ?

68. This information will help you ____ with the President’s June 1, 1998,

memo on plain language in government writing. ?

A) adhere B) comply C) dwell D) assimilate ?

69. There are many ways to excite, influence, and ____ students and one of t

he best techniques is the use of a discrepant event. ?

A) merge B) motivate C) mediate D) mobilize ?

70. Within two hours his complexion ____ colour and his limbs became warm。

?A) took on B) took to

C) took up D) took down ?

Part Ⅳ Error Correction (15 minutes)

Directions: This part consists of a short passage. In the passage there a

re altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a w

ord, add a word or delete a word. If you change a word, cross it out and write t

he correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion

mark(∧)in th

e right place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cro

ss it out and put a slash(/)in the blank. ;

Heavy falls of ash and rock fragments occurred over all? of the inhabited parts of Montserrat. The ashfall deposit? was 115 mm in thick at Lime Kiln Bay. The ash

burden 71.____?

resulted from the collapse of several wooden buildings in 72.____?

the Salem area. Vegetation damage was extensively with 73.____?

downed trees and branches broken from many others. ?

Many birds were killed by the ash or trapped live in it. 74.____?

Ashfall from

this event was reported on the islands of?

Nevis, St Kitts, Anguilla, and St Maarten, and resulted in?

the close of several airports. At 09:10 on 13 July an 75.____?


osive eruption occurred, followed 2 hours of very 76.____?

low seismic activity. The Wash

ington VAAC estimated a ?cloud height of ~12 km a.s.l. ?

During a helicopter reconnaissance flight in the morning 77.____?

of 14 July, a large collapse scar was seen in the lava?

dome directed down the Tar River Valley. The Tar River?

Valley was extensively modified also eroded with a deep 78.____?

canyon gouged the

pyroclastic flows. The fan had been 79.____?

extended eastwards into the sea and northwards along the?

coast. The area the north of the Tar River Valley 80.____?

extending to Killyhawk Ghaut was devastated.??


Part Ⅴ Writing (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled “An Application Letter for Admission to Study Abroad” You must base your

composition on the following outline: ?

1.Your purpose of writing the letter.?

2. Brief introduction of your academic background ?

3. Your research plan?


[1] [2] 下一页  



Part Ⅰ

Section A?

1. 答案:D。?




2. 答案:C。?




3. 答案:D。?




4. 答案:C。?



5. 答案:B。?




6. 答案:D。?



7. 答案:C。?




8. 答案:B。?



9. 答案:A。?



10. 答案:C。?



Section B?

Passage One?




11. 答案:B。?



12. 答案:C。?



13. 答案:D。?



Passage Two?


本段听力材料讲的是著名的摇滚音乐制片人Phil Spector。文章谈到了他为什么是最有名的,最具影响力的制片人;还谈到了他远非是一个制片人,他还是唱片公司的老板,唱片内容的创作者等;还谈到了他是善于与人合作的典范。?

14. 答案:A。?



15. 答案:C。?



16. 答案:D。?




Passage Three?



17. 答案:D。?



18. 答案:B。?



19. 答案:C。?



20. 答案:A。?


【详细解答】这篇文章主要是通过一系列的数据表明因特网对美国大学生的日常生活所 产生的巨大影响,B)、C)、D)中提到的负面影响,漠不关心,热心交朋友都不是文章的大意。故都不是正确答案。??

Part Ⅱ

Passage One短文大意?





21. 答案:D。?

【参考译文】第一段的Forrester 调查结果中没有提到的是什么??





22. 答案:C。?





23. 答案:B。?

【参考译文】 后来另一次运动之所以成功的原因是什么。




24. 答案:A。?






25. 答案:C。?




Passage Two 短文大意?

本文是欧洲大学联盟会创立者Lord Weidenfeld一次大会前的开场白,它谈到了


26. 答案:A。?

【参考译文】发言者对欧洲大学联盟会发展的态度是什么? ?




27. 答案:C。?



【详细解答】从第一段的句子Europaeum logo is by no means exclusive .......to enlarge it.(欧洲大学联盟会的宗旨决不排他,而是希望扩大联盟。)中可得出答案。?

28. 答案:D。?



【详细解答】从第二段的句子... we are now engaging in a study of the roles of the universities in the future. ... We hope to have a number of ongoing conferences and exchanges of views on the subject...(我们现在正致力于研究未来大学的作用


29. 答案:B。?

【参考译文】发言者希望拥有什么样的组织。 ?

【试题分析】判断推理题。 ?

【详细解答】从第三段的句子The University, by having as a component an important dosage of humanism, makes all the difference between...with the new resources and

tools, ...(这所大学与……大不一样,是因为她拥有人文主义这一重要的组成部分,并融


30. 答案:D。?



【详细解答】:从第一段的句子...because of the impulse to the creation to the European network,...(因为这种创建网络的冲动……)和最后一段的内容可得出答案。?

Passage Three短文大意?

本文用Seawood Murray这个具体的事例来说明无泵心脏手术的益处极多。?

31. 答案:B。?



【详细解答】从第一段的句子When a heart-lung machine was invented ..., surgeons

could stop the heart ...Recently,...some surgeons have begun operating without the pump.... 中可得出答案。?

32. 答案:A。?



【详细解答】从第二段的句子...less need for blood products, less chance of compl

ications ..., earlier recovery and earlier return to regular activity.(输血更少


中可得出B)、C)、D)是无泵手术的好处。而文章中最后一段的句子...“I was sitting

up at evening, walking around the second day and feeling good enough to go home

the third day, but I stayed till the fourth morning,”中得出无泵手术病人不可能在一天内康复。故答案为A)。?

33. 答案:B。?

【参考译文】Seawood Murray患了什么病??


【详细解答】从第五段的句子However, after suffering from chest pain ...he learne

d he had heart disease .... 中可得出答案。?

34. 答案:C。?

【参考译文】Zellner医生给Seawood Murray做了什么??


【详细解答】从倒数第二段的句子... Seawood was undergoing off-pump triple bypass

surgery ...under the hand of Dr. Zellner.(做了一个无泵三重旁通管手术)中可得出答案。 ?

35. 答案:D。?

【参考译文】 从文章中最后一段可得知什么??





Passage Four短文大意?




36. 答案:C。?

【参考译文】 根据这段文章,成功面试的关键因素是什么??


【详细解答】从文章第一段的句子The key element to successful interviewing can be

summed up in one word: attitude.中可得出答案。?

37. 答案:B。?



【详细解答】从文章第二段的句子Your attitude is often what recruiters will remember ...the one who was sincerely willing to put forth his very best effort.中可


38. 答案:B。?



【详细解答】从文章第三段的句子Ask any manager who the most valuable member ...

he will point ...to ... the person who truly strives for excellence.中可得出经理心目中最有价值的职员是努力争取做到最好的人,所以正确选项是B。?

39. 答案:D。?



【详细解答】从文章的倒数第二段句子Incorporate the actual words “positive attitude, ”“excellence,” and “striving to be my best” into your interview language. Then show by your stories and examples how these words positively affect your life.中可知用语言和实例来表明你的积极态度会给面试者留下深刻印象。D为正确答案。?

40. 答案:C。?



【详细解答】从文章的第一段句子The key element to successful interviewing can be

summed up in one word: attitude.中可得出答案。??

Part Ⅲ


41. 答案:B。?



【详细解答】compatible“适合的”;confidential “机密的”;conscientious“认真的”

; conspicuous“明显的”。?

42. 答案:A。?



【详细解答】commemorate“纪念”; manipulate “操作”; withhold “抑制”;consensus“一致,合意”。?

43. 答案:B。?




..的, 有......倾向的”, 短语be apt to do...;prompt“敏捷的, 迅速的”?

44. 答案:D。?






45. 答案:C。?



【详细解答】vacancies“空职,空缺”;vacations“休假,假期,(房屋等的)腾出”;varieties“品种”; variations“变更,变化,变异,变种”。?

46. 答案:B。?



【详细解答】assure“使确信,向……保证”,常用句型是assure sb. of sth.或assure sb.

that; ensure “保证,担保”常用句型是ensure sth. , ensure sb. sth. 和ensure that;secure“使安全,保卫”; insure“给……保险,保证使……得到”。?

47. 答案:A。?



【详细解答】此题考的是非谓语动词的不定式形式。be to blame for (doing)sth. “由于(做)某事该受到责备,应承担责任,(是)某种不良后果的原因”。?

48. 答案:D。?



【详细解答】subscribe“订阅”,与介词to 搭配使用,符合题意;prescribe “命令,规定,开药方”;transcribe“抄写,眷写。”;describe “描写,描述”;?

49. 答案:C。?



【详细解答】bewilder“使迷惑,难住”,符合题意;ridicule “嘲笑”;enchant “使喜

悦”; induce“引起,导致”。?

50. 答案:C。?



【详细解答】account for 为固定搭配,意为“说明,说明……的原因”,符合题意。而acco

unt with, account on,account of为错误搭配,故应全部排除。?

51. 答案:B。?



【详细解答】convict sb. of 意为“判决某人犯有……罪”,符合题意;而accuse sb. of

和charge sb. with都作“控告某人犯……罪”讲,而陪审团是审判人而不是“控告某人”

的,所以A),C)错误;acquit sb. of 意为“宣判某人无罪释放”,这与后文中的“was

sentenced to capital punishment.”相矛盾,故D)也不是正确答案。?

52. 答案:A。?




53. 答案:D。?



【详细解答】but for意为“要不是”,相当于if it were in not for或had it not been for, 表示一种含否定意义的条件;in spite of“尽管,虽然”, 介词短语,只能接名词;or else“否则”;because of“因为,由于”;?

54. 答案:A。?




;effective “有效果的”;practical“实际的”。?

55. 答案:A。?




56. 答案:C。?



【详细解答】keep up with“跟上,赶上(与……保持同一频率)”;come up with“想出(

计划,主意,办法等)”;face up with应为face up to , 意为“接受,面对(不愉快或

艰苦的事)”; live up with“不辜负”。?

57. 答案:B。?



【详细解答】acknowledge意为“感谢,承认”,符合题意;admit“承认”; attribute“把......归因于(to)”;accept “接受”?

58. 答案:D。?




【详细解答】hinder“妨碍,阻碍”; prohibit与 forbid都作“禁止,严禁”讲,在语气上prohibit强于forbid,prevail意为“战胜,盛行,流行”。 ?

59. 答案:B。?



【详细解答】be intent on doing something是固定词组,意为“坚决要干某事”,符合题意;lack of“缺乏的”;deficient in“不足的,缺乏的”; adequate for“适当的,合


60. 答案:C。?



【详细解答】inconceivable意为“想不出的”, 符合题意;intelligible“可理解的,明白

易懂的”; indicative“指示的,象征的”;invariable“总是的,不变的”。?

61. 答案:B。?



【详细解答】contemplate意为“思量,对……周密考虑”, 符合题意;contend“竞争(again

st),主张”; visualize“想像,设想”; dwell“老是想着”(on)。?

62. 答案:A。?



【详细解答】transactions意为“贸易,业务”,符合题意 ;transitions“过渡,转变”;stimulations“刺激,鼓励”;solutions“解决办法,溶解”。?

63. 答案:D。?




【详细解答】henceforth意为“从今以后,从此以后”,符合题意; moreover“此外,而且,


64. 答案:B。?





65. 答案:A。?





66. 答案:C。?



【详细解答】fall in with意为“同意,支持”, 符合题意;push on to推给(别人); make

up for“弥补”;put up with“忍受”?

67. 答案:A。?




【详细解答】sensitive意为“敏感的” be sensitive to “对……敏感的”,符合题意;sensible“感觉得到的,知道的”;sentimental“多愁善感的”; positive“积极的,肯定


68. 答案:B。?




【详细解答】comply意为“履行,服从”与介词with连用,符合题意;adhere“遵守,坚持”但与介词to 连用; dwell“老是想着,强调”,与介词on 连用;assimilate“吸收,消化”。?

69. 答案:B。?




【详细解答】motivate意为“激发,促动”,符合题意;merge“使结合,使成为一体”; mediate“调解”; mobilize“动员,调动”。?

70. 答案:A。?



【详细解答】took on意为“具有(特征),呈现(面貌)”,符合题意;took to“开始,喜

欢”;took up“拿起,开始,吸收”;took down“拿下,记下,病倒”。??

Part Ⅳ


71. 去掉in。“多宽多厚”一般用“×××meter wide /thick”表示。?

72. 把from改成 in。result from 后接原因,而result in 后才接结果。?

73. 把extensively 改成extensive。extensive在这里做was的表语,故用形容词形式。?

74. 把live改成alive。alive, live都有“活的,活着”之义,但alive一般做表语或后置


75. 把close改成closure。the …of 结构中间应该用名词。?

76. 把followed改following。following在此做伴随状语,如果用followed做并列谓语必须

在此词前加and 。?

77. 把in改成on。表示具体的一天的早上,下午,晚上用介词on。一般用in。?

78. 把also改成and。also只是副词,不能连接两个谓语,而and是连词,可以起连词作用。


79. 在gouged 的后面加 by,表被动,“被火山熔岩凿出一个大峡谷”。?

80. 去掉 north前的the。north在这里用作副词。??

Part Ⅴ

Sample Writing?

Dear Sir,?

I am interested in your Master’s deGREe in Architecture, and wish to enter this

program in Fall of 2004. My academic background is as follows:?

A citizen of the People’s Republic of China, I am 26 years old. In 1999, I graduated and earned a diploma from Hunan University with a major in Architecture. H

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