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The Time Has Come!

[日期:2007-12-05]   [字体: ]
The Time Has Come!

There was a disciple who was responsible for brewing and

serving tea for his master. His master had a precious antique

teapot, which the master loved very much. Once, perhaps

because he was too deep in samadhi and his limbs became

weak, the disciple broke the teapot inadvertently. He was

frightened to death, having no idea about how to explain it

to his master.The time for serving tea arrived, and the

disciple was standing there in a foolish manner, not knowing

what to do. Finally, he came up with a clever way to save

himself!Straightening his clothes, he went inside, bowed to

his master ceremoniously and said, "Master, I have a big

problem, which has caused a lot of concern in my mind. I

have wanted to ask you about this for a long time; but

dared not do so, fearing that I would trouble master. I

wonder if I may ask you today." The master said, "Of

course you may. Why didn't you ask sooner? You came

here to follow master because you need to ask questions!"

So the disciple asked, "Master! Why is it that for everything,

death follows birth? Why must there be death? You and I,

are we also going to die? We are practitioners, and being

so sincere, do we still have to die?" His master said, "Oh,

Sure! Shakyamuni Buddha, Jesus, Confucius and Lao-tzu

all had to die. Where there is birth, there must be death!"

Then the disciple continued to ask, "Is there any exception,

anything that will not die?" The master said, "Absolutely

not! Death must follow birth. If the time has come, death

is for sure!" Then the disciple stood up and said, "I report

to master, the time has come for your teapot today!"
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