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CNN news 2007-12-27 加文本

[日期:2008-01-02]   [字体: ]

CNN 2007-12-27

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From the CNN Center in Atlanta. I'm Naamua Delaney. Here's a look at what's happening NOW IN THE NEWS.

Fire crews are on the scene of a smoky fire in a three-storey apartment building north of Boston. The three-alarm fire appears to be in the top floor and roof. The fire is in Beverly that is on the north shore of Massachusetts, twenty miles north of Boston. So far, no injuries are reported, stay with CNN and CNN.com for more on this developing situation.

The San Francisco Zoo could reopen tomorrow. Today it is closed while police investigate that deadly tiger attack. No one knows how the Siberian tiger got out of its enclosure. It attacked three zoo patrons Tuesday. One of the victims died, the other two are in the hospital in stable condition.

Investigators in GREat Britain say a British paedophile with links to Portugal is a potential suspect in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. The now five-year-old hasn't been seen since her family was on vacation in Portugal in May. The London Daily Mail reports police want to question the thirty-two-year-old man. The paper says police have known about him since just after her disappearance. But investigators have not located him for questioning about the McCann case.

The day after Christmas is
hopping as stores hope to pump up their holiday sales. They are offering discounts for bargain hunters and gift card shoppers. Some early-bird shoppers try to bid long lines for exchanges and returns. Analysts say about sixteen percent of holiday sales come in the week after Christmas. Experts say shoppers this year will come carrying tens of billions of dollars in gift certificates and cards.

An indication notes today is the first day of
Kwanzaa. Millions of people will spend the next seven days focusing on principles based on African-American traditions and culture. This year's theme, willing the well-being of the world.

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hopping: adjective busy: very active or busy(informal)
gift certificates : countable noun paper to be exchanged for goods
Kwanzaa:noun African American holiday: a cultural and harvest festival celebrated by African Americans. December 26 to January 1.

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