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阅读内容 CNN news 2010-01-02 加文本
Download Audio Good morning. I'm Melissa Long here at the CNN Center in Atlanta on this Tuesday, January 1st. Happy New Year. Here's a look at some of the stories that are happening NOW IN THE NEWS. First in the assassination then chaos in the streets, as a result, Pakistan is considering postponing next week's parliamentary elections. Officials hope to make a decision by tomorrow. They say local governments are concerned about violence following the death of Benazir Bhutto. Another factor, a Muslim holy month starts January 9th and that could mean pushing back the vote until February. 2007 was the deadliest year in Afghanistan since the coalition invasion six years ago. According to the Associated Press, more than 6,500 people were killed last year,including 110 US troops. Other nations combined lost about the same number of soldiers. The death toll includes about 4,500 militants but their casualties could be higher. New Hampshire is now the fourth state in the nation to allow gay civil unions. Dozens of gay and lesbian couples rang in the New Year by entering into civil unions. Starting today New Hampshire recognizes same-sex unions giving them the same rights as marriage and everything but name. Vermont, Connecticut and New Jersey have similar laws. A woman who once tried to assassinate President Gernald Ford is out of prison. Sara Jane Moore was paroled yesterday after serving 32 years of a life sentence. She was 40 feet away from Ford outside a San Francisco hotel when she fired a shot at him in 1975. Prison officials have not explained why Moore was released. And 2008 will mean bigger pay checks for a lot of minimum wage workers all across the country. Some of the highest hourly wages will be in California, Massachusetts and also in Washington State. It's at least eight dollars an hour in those states. San Francisco is uping its minimum wage to nine dollars thirty six cents an hour. And those are the headlines for you at this hour. Do stay with CNN for more on these stories or other news of the day. 相关新闻