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[日期:2008-06-01]   [字体: ]







The formation of tornadoes

Tornadoes are the product of the clouds of thunderstorms. Specifically, the tornado is tremendous energy in thunderstorms a small part in a small area on a form of release. The formation of tornadoes can be divided into four stages:

(1) the instability of the atmosphere have increased by the strong airflow, as the biggest rapids of the impact of cross-border flow, it has been further strengthened.

(2) As in the vertical direction and speed and direction of the wind shear have interaction, increased airflow in the middle of the troposphere starting rotation, the formation of scale cyclone.

(3) As to the ground in the cyclone-scale development and proGREssive extension, its own thinning and strengthen. At the same time, a small area of the strengthening of Des Voeux, that is the primary form of internal Tornado in the cyclone, a cyclone in the same process, the formation of Tornado core.

(4) Tornado core of the cyclone in the rotation and different, its strength is sufficient to Tornado has been extended to the ground. When the development of the scroll arrived at the high ground, ground sharp decline in air pressure, wind speed sharp rise in the ground, a Tornado.

Tornadoes often occur in the summer lightning storm, especially in the afternoon to the evening most common. The scope of small attacks, tornadoes in the general diameter of 10 meters to 100 meters between. The tornado survival time normally only a few minutes, the longest more than a few hours. Wind particularly in the vicinity of the wind speed up to 100-200 meters / second. Extremely destructive, after the tornado, uprooted trees often happens, overturned vehicles, destroyed buildings, and other phenomena, sometimes people take suction, very serious harm.
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第 1 页: 什么是龙卷风? 第 2 页: 龙卷风是怎么形成的?
第 3 页: 龙卷风的危害
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