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滑翔伞运动的准备工作 Try to fly.

[日期:2008-07-29]   [字体: ]
  Want to try Paragliding Activity? No problem. But first, let’s see what you need to prepare. 

  伞头  座包  头盔  副伞  飞行服  其他配套装备还有:护目镜,飞行靴,飞行服,对讲机,风速表,GPS (全球定位系统)等。

  Suitable equipment is essential for paragliding. Here I’ll just mention some vital pieces of equipment such as the canopy, without which you can’t fly; the second parachute, which is used in case of a breakdown; the front harness and back harness, which girdle the pilot’s left and right; the pack, which connects the pilot with the paraglider; the altimeter, which measures the rate of descent or ascent; the windmeter, which displays the wind speed; and the windsock, which is used to show the direction of the wind and to some extent the wind speed.

  Having equipped yourself, you are ready for take-off. Maybe you might still worry about your safety. Take it easy! Paragliding isn’t more dangerous than other sports. According to some experts, the danger often comes from the pilots themselves, if they panic. Club manager Zhang Wei says:

  "There are a lot of rules to obey in paragliding. If you don’t know them, you may face danger. Actually it isn’t more dangerous than other sports. Paragliding does not require the participants’ to be physically fit. But sound psychological preparation is very important."

  Although you’ll have an instructor, it’s good for you to bear in mind the following points. Remember to check if the track is long enough; if the acceleration is opposite to the direction of the wind; if the land is flat enough for a safe take-off; if it is possible to stop the flight; if there are no holes that will lead to the allocation of the lines; if the track is far enough from any natural or artificial obstacles, such as trees, rocks, buildings, etc.

  Actually, paragliding is a relaxing, enjoyable sport. And even people over the age of 80 have been known to have a go.  




  指北针——是在能见度不佳的情况下辩识方位的最佳 工具。以数字清楚,准确度高为条件。



  副伞——飞行伞的辅助降落伞,用于主伞发生故障并无法排除时。 对讲机--用于新手或越野飞行时紧急联络用。
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