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痴迷滑翔伞运动 I feel I can fly.

[日期:2008-07-29]   [字体: ]
  Imagine yourself flying in the sky freely with the birds and clouds, GREen land beneath you. Millions of people in the west are crazy about Paragliding Activity. In Europe alone, there are already over 3 million paragliding pilots. And in China, now there are more than 50 paragliding clubs. The Beijing International Unite Flight Club is one of them.

  The club opened in 1996, it’s the first paragliding club in Beijing under the supervision of Zhang Wei, who is fond of the sport. Talking about the reason he began paragliding, Zhang says:

  "My father was a pilot, and I also wanted to be a pilot. I feel as though I’ve fulfilled my dream with paragliding."

  Zhang Chunhai is one of the members in the club. He used the word "exciting" when describing his first experience of paragliding.

  "When I was up, I saw the horizon. People looked so small on the ground, and the wind was whistling. When I pulled the string, the paraglider moved whichever way I wished. I felt so well that I began singing."
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