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Successive opening ceremony of the classic map

[日期:2008-08-09]   [字体: ]





  1984年7月28日 由杰西-欧文斯的外孙女吉娜-亨普希尔持火炬跑进主会场,然后将火炬交给罗马奥运会十项全能冠军约翰逊,由他点燃了玫瑰碗体育场的圣火。一个打扮成太空人模样的太空人“飞翔”过体育场。




  1988年9月17日 韩国汉城奥运会上 舞蹈演员孙美贞、教师郑顺万和马拉松运动员金元铎点燃了奥运圣火。这也创造奥运历史上点燃开幕式圣火的人数之最。


  1992年7月25日 西班牙巴塞罗那奥运会开幕式上,患有小儿麻痹症的射箭选手雷波洛用火种引燃箭头,然后搭弓拉箭,准确地射向70米远、21米高的圣火台。射箭点火,成为后世永无法超越的经典。




  1996年7月19日 美国亚特兰大奥运会上,患有帕金森综合症的拳王阿里颤抖着点燃奥运圣火。




  2004年8月13日 希腊雅典的奥运会开幕式,一支燃烧的火箭从天空射向水面,点燃水中由奥林匹克五环所组成的五个火圈。水中的五环,是雅典奥运梦幻般的经典。



Olympic Games opening ceremony has always been the highlight, in addition to a series of basic admission ceremony, the richest nation in general have the characteristics of group calisthenics or other cultural performances. The opening ceremony to reflect not only of peace, solidarity and friendship for the purpose of the Olympic spirit, but also show the host country's national culture, local customs and work of the Organization, but also to countries in the world to show guests a warm welcome.

Peoples of attention in the Olympic Games opening ceremony, a series of exquisite creativity, one behind the details of the moving success story is the opening paragraph of the legend, a classic descendants handed down from generation to generation remembers:

1, noble and elegant

July 17, 1976 in Montreal, Canada, the Olympic Games opening ceremony, Britain's Queen Elizabeth II at the opening ceremony.

2, Astros

July 28, 1984 by Jesse - Owens's granddaughter Gina - Hengpuxier holding the torch ran into the main meeting hall, and then the torch to Olympic decathlon champion Roman Johnson, who lit the Rose Bowl stadium in St.火. Astros look like a dressed up as astronauts "fly" over the stadium.

3, the first time in China

July 28, 1984 the Los Angeles Olympic Games opening ceremony of the founding of New China, the first time off after the Olympics. Screen is the Chinese delegation Admission is instantaneous. China's standard-bearer is basketball player Wang Libin.

4, three points flame

September 17, 1988 Seoul Olympics, Sun Mi-jeong dancers, teachers and marathon athletes million Jung Soon Kim priests lit the Olympic flame. It also created the history of the Olympic Games opening ceremony of the torch ignited the number of the most.

5, the most daring adventure

July 25, 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games opening ceremony, suffering from polio archery Antonio Rebollo fire ignited by the arrow, and then ride bow pull arrows and accurately射向70 meters long, 21 meters high flame Taiwan. Archery ignition, as future generations can not go beyond the classic Wing.

6, the art of dance

July 26, 1992, Barcelona, Spain, the Olympic Games opening ceremony. Dance to their clothes, the photographer's camera and lighting, as an abstract art.

7, the most touching tenacity

July 19, 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games, suffering from Parkinson's syndrome in a trembling Muhammad Ali lit the Olympic flame.

8, the water ignition

September 15, 2000, before the opening of the Sydney Olympic Games torch relay activities of this there has been nothing new, organizers of the full use of the water, land and air transport, flame or even to the athletes from diving underwater. The unique torch will be lit ceremony is the opening ceremony of the warm atmosphere to a climax, the flame is lit Australia Elite Women Sprinters Kaxi - Freeman.

9, the water rings

August 13, 2004 Athens Olympic Games opening ceremony, a burning rocket from the sky射向surface of the water, the water ignited by the Olympic rings composed of five Huoquan. Water rings, the Athens Olympic dream is a classic.

10, a brilliant civilization

August 13 opening ceremony of the Athens Olympics on the art exhibition. Olympic event more than 100 years after returning to Athens, GREece, as the birthplace of Western civilization, the Athens Olympics opening ceremony of the show for several thousand years of brilliant civilizations.
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