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[日期:2009-02-23]   [字体: ]

1. 还有王法吗?还有法律吗?

Is there no justice? Is there no law?

2. 这是一个社会动荡,黑帮横行的年代,其中又以”斧头帮”最令人闻风丧胆.惟独一些连黑帮也没兴趣的贫困社区却可享有暂时的安宁.

In a time of social unrest and disorder, the gangs have moved in to consolidate their power. The most feared of them all is the Axe Gang. Only in the poorest districts, which hold no interest for the gangs, can people live in peace.

3. 点解霎时间会没水呢?

What happened to the water?

4. 就算杀了一个我,还有千千万万个我

You can kill me, but there’ll be thousands more of me.

5. 单挑啊

We’ll go one-on-one.

6. 自己人啊

We’re on the same side!

7. 我不入地狱,谁入地狱?

You cannot escape your destiny!

8. 警恶惩奸,维护世界和平这个任务就交给你了

The duty of upholding world peace and punishing evil will be yours.

9. 有钱给钱,没钱收拾包袱,滚!

Pay up or pack up!

10. 记忆是痛苦的根源,你能不记得算是福气了

Memories can be painful. To forget may be a blessing.

11. 问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流

All the sadness one can bear

Down the river everywhere.

12. 一曲肝肠断,天涯何处觅知音

A song that wrenches the heart

O, where do I find a knowing ear?

13. 后会有期

Till we meet again.

14. 天下武功,无坚不破,唯快不破

In the world of kungfu, speed defines the winner.

15. 自古正邪不两立

The good cannot coexist with the bad.

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