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Love Zhou Xingchi 喜欢周星驰

[日期:2009-04-29]   [字体: ]

Brief biographies directors Description : Star Aberdeen English name : Stephen Chow birth : June 22, 1962 Shanghai nationality who consistently high : 1.74 meters : Krebs Star Block : Honor : In 1989 with "Break vanguard," the Hong Kong Award for best supporting actor 1992 with the "official death trial" was the Asia-Pacific Film Panorama Best Actor 1997 with the "big Daishengquqing you," the Hong Kong Film Awards after a government institution : the Golden Bauhinia Award for Best Actor in the Hong Kong Film Awards Directors entries : "Baibianxingjun" "Daineimitan made 2003" "Tang Bohu point Qiu" "Shaolin Soccer" "Beating about the bush" "Feeds" Most directors : Most grateful to the people : Lixiuxian, Moziliang Favorite actor : Robert-de Favorite singer : Mui Favorite song : Song Lyric Favorite dance : DISCO Favorite wearing civilian clothes : Favorite shoes : shoes Favorite accessory : Table Favorite color : blue Favorite animals : dogs Tiger's favorite dogs : dogs Favorite food : pasta Favorite vegetables : Add vegetables Favorite fruit : mango Paris, the most popular tourist destination : The most embarrassing thing : Late Most afraid of the dark matter : The most disappointing thing performed well : Make a study GREatest hope : The worst mathematical subjects : Most parents is evaluated by half appearance : The best place to go home : Favorite music : classical music Favorite book : Chinese classical novels, comics Like the seasons : spring, autumn Like mother : My biggest dream : a self-directed

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