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外星人 Alien

[日期:2009-05-05]   [字体: ]
  Every year, hundreds of people say that they have seen strange or unusual things in the sky. We call the object UFO. There are aliens in the object. It is said that in China a farmer has been carried for three times, to another city where is thousand meters away from his home when he was sleeping. Once I watched a TV programme which was about aliens. Race but happens to have a counterpart, the mysterious thing happened again in Spain. One night a man was driving along on highway, which was empty. Darkness was around him. It seemed to be the only car on the highway. Suddenly there was a ray of dazzling light appeared I front of him. The light became brighter and brighter. He felt there was an object above his head. He was puzzled and anxious. His heart was eating very fast. Soon the light disappeared and fog arose and he couldn’t see anything. He drove fast. He was afraid but he wanted to know what it was. There was no sound outside the car. He didn’t stop driving until the sun rose. He found he was in an unfamiliar city. He asked the local for help and told them what had happened to him. But the local didn’t believe that he could drive his car from Spain to Mexico in one night. Then the only thing he could do was finding the ambassador of Spanish. He came back to the hometown a few days later. Some scientists thought that were just a dream. But he is sure it is true. I don’t think this story is true. After all, seeing is believing.


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