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I like the subtle fresh green budding from the branches of the tree -- the herald of spring, ushering in the dawn... I like the subtle flow of cloud that makes the sky seem even more vast, azure and immense... I like (05/25/2009 10:53:36) [查看全文] 每个人都会有状态好的时候,也有状态不好的时候,如何能让自己在最佳的时机,把自己最佳的状态展现出来呢?一起来学习下吧~
Showing one's best is essentially different from showing off. It is a quality not everybody can be good at. In order to do so you are advised to do three things. First, you should equip yourself with the best knowledge you can acquire.www (05/25/2009 10:53:36) [查看全文] 有研究表明,好奇心和创造力是成正比的,好奇心越强,就越有创造力~真的是这样吗,一起来看看~
Curiosity and creativity are interdependent on each other. Only when one is curious about something, can he operate his mind and generate something creative. And when creativity is in full operation and results in things which never ex (05/25/2009 10:53:36) [查看全文] 视疲劳引起的视力下降,经过适当休息即可恢复。如果是近视引起的视力下降,不可能恢复。因此一定要积极主动提前预防近视的发生和发展,避免近视引起的视力下降。
It is important for everyone to keep good eyesight. But do you know how to protect your eyesight?First, don't keep your eyes working for a long time. You'd better have (05/25/2009 10:53:36) [查看全文] “无巧不成书”,这是一句我们从小就知道的俗语,但是却并一定知道它的真正意义,下面就跟Elaine一起来看看下面的故事吧~
The story happened a year ago. One day, I was walking along the street when an old man walked towards me. He asked me the way in English. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't understand what he said. He repeated again and a (05/25/2009 10:53:35) [查看全文] 学写英文日记不但能把英语应用到生活中来,还能养成时时应用英语的好习惯,对我们提高英语写作水平也是很有帮助的,不妨来试一试~
Sunday May 21,2003 Sunny Going on a Picnic Today was Sunday. The weather was fine and warm. The sky was very clear and blue. My classmates and I were very happy, because we went out for a picnic at Nanshan Hill. We went to (05/25/2009 10:53:35) [查看全文] 现在父母陪读已经不是什么稀奇的事了,在这个问题上,大家一直有不同的观点,有人认为陪读能让学生有更多的时间来学习,但也有人认为陪读让学生少了锻炼的机会,缺乏独立的能力~你的观点呢?
I'm writing to discuss about whether our parents should accompany us studying at school. We do have different opinions on this matter. Most of us (05/25/2009 10:53:34) [查看全文] 土地是一种有限的且不可再生的资源~随着人口的增长,我们能开发的土地已经越来越少,如何合理使用这些有限的土地,是个大问题,现在就让我们一起来探讨下吧~
It's hard to deny that with the developing of ecnomics there is more and more land used for housing and industry.But to use land is a two-folded weapen:you may get benifits from it, (05/25/2009 10:53:34) [查看全文] 一年四季,春夏秋冬,各有各的特色~秋天是个黄颜色的季节,也意味着收获~枝头的树叶由绿变黄,果实也在这个时候成熟~
For me the autumn or fall season starts in September when school starts its new term. I usually do some shopping for school supplies and some winter clothes. The mild weather makes it very nice to study outside under the trees in a small park and read; I like to look up at the l (05/25/2009 10:53:33) [查看全文] 一年四季,春夏秋冬,各有各的特色~夏天~户外运动最好的季节.这是一个橄榄球的季节,橄榄球由于广受欢迎被称为全民运动~
Summer is the great season for all sports in the open air. It is the season for baseball which is often called the national sport because of its popularity. I usually watch television and read the newspaper reports about the baseball results of the newspaper reports about the baseba (05/25/2009 10:53:32) [查看全文] 聪明的消费者看杂志广告,看电视广告,但他们这么做只有一个目的,就是要了解藏在广告背后的心理状态~那么到底什么才算是聪明的消费呢~
Wise consumers read magazine advertisements and watch TV commercials, but they do this with one advantage: knowledge of the psychology behind the ads. In other words, well-informed consumers watch for informat (05/25/2009 10:53:31) [查看全文] 我们常常会说的一句话,就是任何事都要量力而为~Elaine 也认为,不管事情难于不难,你做不做得到,都要实事求是,量力而为~ It is never a disgrace to say, ‘I can not afford it.’ It is shameful to commit yourself to expenditure you know you can not really afford and should not make – just because someone else urges you to go against your own better (05/25/2009 10:53:31) [查看全文] 朋友是我们生活中 不可缺少的,这个世界上没有一个人是不需要朋友的~所以我们常常会写朋友,会写友谊~下面收集了一些描写友情的一些结构和句子,让我们一起来看下~
get to know sb.(认识某人), know sb. really well(熟知某人), make friends with sb.(和某人交朋友), a strong personality (一个很强的个性), personal matters(隐私), friendship(友谊), friendly(友好的), a close friend(一个亲密的朋友), trust each other (相互信任), precious(珍贵的), worthy(有价值的), understandi (05/25/2009 10:53:30) [查看全文] 电话 在许多方面使事情变得简单,尤其是在移动电话出现以后,通讯变得更加快捷方便。电话是如此有用,以至于如今的日常生活离不开它~
The telephone is one of the most welcome and useful inventions. No wonder more and more families have got to use their own telephones today. The telephone makes things easy in many ways. Especially, after the mobile telephone appears (05/25/2009 10:53:30) [查看全文] |