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[日期:2009-05-08]   [字体: ]


May I have your attention, please? Now I’d like to make a speech here.
      With the improvement of living standard, there is a lot of waste on campus. For example the students leave the lights on in the daytime, water running after washing and remains of a lot of food after eating on the table. Some of the students even ask their parents for pocket money. So it is high time that we had to deal with the problem. The reasons are as follows:www.cooyu.net
      In the first place, the bad habit of being wasteful will have a bad influence on their own character. Secondly, it adds financial burden to their parents. Last but not least, it also exhausts the world's very limited natural resources, water and electricity.
      But how to reduce the waste? In my opinion, it is everybody's business to fight against waste. On one hand, I should start with myself to save everything. On the other hand, I'd like to remind my friends here to take the lead in reducing the waste.
      Therefore, I’m sure, with everyone doing his bit, we will change the present situation the better.

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