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[日期:2010-11-26]   [字体: ]


251 Definition and Classification(定义与分类)

A writer often employs more than one method of development in an essayIn order to make it easier or clearer for the readerthe author mayfor instancedecide to classify objectsevents or terms by retaining a few classes rather than many specific itemsAdditionallyhe may need to define the lables he uses in classifying the subjectespecially if the lables are not widely known or are abstract


Model Essay 25-1

Nowadaysmore and more people have books in their homesbut few of them really ownthe booksIn Professor Adler's opinionthere are three kinds of book ownersThe first kind of owners have all the standard sets and best-sellers-books that are sold in very large numbersunreaduntouched.(These owner sown only wood pulp and inknot books.)

Another kind of book owners have a GREat many booksa few of them read throughmost of them dipped intothat ismost ofthe books are only read or studied for a short time or without much attentionbut all of them as clean and shiny as the day they were bought.(These persons would probably like to make books their ownbut are restrained by a false respect for their physical appearance.)

The final kind of book ownershoweverhave a few books or manyevery one of them do gearedhaving the corners of the pages bent down with uselike a dog's ears and dilapidatedbroken and oldfalling to pieces),shaken and loosened by continual usemarked and scribbled in from front to back.(These men really own books.)

Do you aGREe with Pr ofAdler

252 Analysis of the Model Essay(范文分析)

In the above model essayaccording to the writerbook owners can be divided into three kindsThey are as follows

1Owners with all standard sets and best-sellersunreaduntouched

2Owners with a GREat many booksa few of them read throughmost off them dipped into

3Owners with a few books or manyevery one of them do geareddilapidatedshaken and loosened

根据范例所示,我们得知作者将有书的人划为三类,其分类根据是划一的,分出的三类book owners互相排除,没有重叠。作者还通过使用“the first kindanother kindthe final kind…”等这些转换词语,有机地围绕主题“There are three kinds of book owners”,介绍了三种不同类型的“owners”。此外,作者还将一些读者不知或概念不清的词、词组,如“bestsellers”,“dipped into”,“do geared”,“dilapidated”等下了定义,这便达到了使读者完全领会其意的目的。

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