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[日期:2010-11-30]   [字体: ]
11. 购物( Shopping)
(1)Planning (shopping list, needs, wants, etc. )
(2)Products (clothes, groceries, personal items, electronics, etc. )
(3)Selecting (quality, weights, measures, size, colour, style, etc. )

(4)Paying (price, quantity, etc. )
12. 饮食(Food and drink)
(1)Meats (beef, chicken, pork, fish, etc. )
(2)Soups (chicken, tofu, vegetable, etc. )
(3)Vegetables (cabbage, eggplant, etc. )
(4)Staple food (rice, bread, noodles, cake)
(5)Drinks (milk, water, juice, soft drink, coke, alcoholic drinks, beer, wine, etc. )
(6)Fast foods ( sandwiches, noodles, dumplings, hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, etc. )
(7)Snacks (ice cream, chips, etc. )
(8)Eating customs (ways of eating, kinds of food, times to eat, table manners, chopsticks, knife, fork, etc. )
(9)Requesting or offering different foods and drinks
(10)Likes and dislikes (favourite food, favourite drinks, etc. )
(11)Ordering food and/or drinks
13. 健康(Health)
(1)Eating habits
(2)Physical fitness and exercise
(3)Personal hygiene
(4)Illnesses (stomachache, headache, flu, cold, etc. )
(7)Doctors, nurses & hospitals
(8)Describing problems (parts of the body, pains, etc. )
(9)Medical insurance
14. 天气(Weather)
(1)Describing weather (sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, hot, warm, cold, cool, etc. )
(2)Extreme weather (storms, gales, hurricanes, etc. )
(3)Dressing for the weather ( coat, hat, umbrella, raincoat, windbreaker, etc. )
15. 文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports)
(1)Movies and theatre
(2)Music and dance (folk music and dance, popular music and classical music)
(3)Team games (football, basketball, volleyball, etc. )
(4)Games of two or four (table tennis, tennis, golf, etc. )
(5)Racing (running, swimming, horse racing, etc. )
(6)International sports events ( Olympic Games, World Cup, Football League, etc. )
(7)Spectators and fans
(8)Physical exercises
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