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[日期:2011-05-27]   [字体: ]

我们学校五年级的一个大哥哥还能表演魔术呢!他表演的魔术的名字是《饮料》。他往一个杯子里倒的是清水,另一个杯子里放着一种药品。他把 杯子里的清水 到进了有药的杯子里。一下子变成好喝的草莓果汁了!另一个大哥哥就说了,“我还是不喝草莓果汁了,我还是喝牛奶。”然后那个大哥哥就拿着一个细管,用嘴一吹,哇!真是太神奇了。一下子就变出了牛奶!那位大哥哥又说了,“我还是不喝牛奶了,我还是喝白开水吧!”变魔术的大哥哥又说了,”嗨,你这个人,怎么啥都想要阿!不过也可以。”他又用刚才的吸管一吹,牛奶就一下子变成了白开水!


哈哈,该轮到我表演了!我心里想:如果全校的同学为我鼓掌就好了!这一招还真灵。我唱的时候大家都拍着手打节奏呢!还有一个人在录像。我们的体育老师是照相的。录像的录上我了,照相的找上我了。嘿嘿黑! 我唱的时候感觉非常快乐,可是我有一个地方唱错了,嘿嘿黑!人家都不好意思说了。我就这样一直唱到最后,我唱完了以后,兴高采烈的到台下去了!


This afternoon, our school activities held on June 1! Which I still do. I was singing performances, the song is called "small pine tree." I have the lyrics to a few days ago you said it » At the entrance to cool the bottom. Below is the entire class of students, but also some big brother big sister. Above the stage can be beautiful! Stage of a Lanbu hung on the door, hung above a large chapter that reads, "celebrate the June 1 Children's Day"; above three other balloons, said "IP on June 1."

Our fifth-grade school a big brother can perform magic! He performed the magic name is "drink." He inverted, to a cup of water is another cup in a drug. He's cup into the water to the cup in a drug. All of a sudden become the drinking strawberry juice! Another big brother said, "I still Buhe strawberry juice, I still drink milk." And then that big brother on the holding of a small, one blowing through your mouth, wow! It's Magic. All of a sudden change on a milk! Big brother who said, "I still Buhe milk, I still drink boiled water!" Magic of the big brother said, "Hey, you, how Shadu want to Afghanistan! However, it also can . "He also used just a straw blowing, milk on all of a sudden become a boiled water!

     There is also a wonderful program. Mengyu my sister came to power in Xinjiang dance performances! Also my best friend Bian Xueke Play of the power. She shells of the song is "FLASHing on the stars," "doll and the Cubs dance," she bomb really good!

. He, the show was my turn! I would like to mind: If all the students applauded just for me! Hope this trick really. I sing all the time Pai Zhaoshou a rhythm? There is also a person in the video. Our camera is a physical education teacher. The video was recorded on me, to find the camera on me. Hei hei black! I sing when feeling very happy, but I have a place to sing wrong, and Hei hei! I am sorry that the people are. I have been on this Changdao Finally, I Changwan after the jubilation to go on Taiwan!

     There is also a good news! I have made a Huiwen, and a red school bag. Why, then » You do not know it. I tell you to it: It is good because we learn, there are at home to help parents work. Unfortunately, my mother did not look at the program, oh, oh classes because her mother. But some mothers to go to next year!

     In short, I am very happy!
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第 1 页: 快乐的“六一”儿童节 第 2 页: 快乐的六一
第 3 页: 我的六一儿童节
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  非常好   ( 梦女孩 , 06/01/2008 17:30:52 )

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