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[日期:2024-05-29]   [字体: ]

1. S _______ or later you’ll find your bike somewhere. 

2. N ________ of my parents can speak English.
3. You can borrow books from the school l________.
4. Everyone makes m ________ in his life.

3. She said she e ________ living in the country. 3.enjoyed
6. Take the second turning on the left at the third_______. (cross)
7. You won’t get_______ (lose) if you walk along this street.
8. It was cold and many people were in the doctor’s _____ ( wait ) room.
9. He seems ______. What is happening? (worry)
10. Though it was twelve at midnight, he was still _____ (wake).
11. I don’t think Mr. Li will come this afternoon.
A. know B. believe C. work D. make
12. She didn't do that any more.
A. not any more B. not any longer
C. any longer D. no more
13. What time did you reach school this morning?
A. arrive B. get to C. come D. go to
14. Maybe that young man is our new English teacher.
A. May B. Sure C. Perhaps D. Certain
15. The students enjoyed themselves very much at the party.
A. had a very good time B. talked a lot
C. asked many questions D. laughed very much
1. It will _______you three hours to finish the work.
A. use B. spend C. take D. cost
2. We took_______ trip.
A. a five days B. a five-days C. a five-day D. five days
3. Is there ________ in today's newspaper?
A. something new B. new something
C. anything new D. new anything
4. Our teachers always make us ______a lot of exercises every day.
A. to do B. doing C. does D. do
5. Neither I nor mother ______going to see the film this evening because we are busy.
A. will B. am C. are D. is
6. He bought a new pen _______ his way________.
A. in/school B. in/to school C. on/to school D. on/school
7. Is ________ easy to learn to swim?
A. that B. it C. he D. this
8. We eat a lot of pork. _________.
A. So does he B. So is he C. So do we D. So he is
9. They are busy _________ ready for the exam.
A. getting B. to get C. get D. will get
10. Eating too much is bad _________ your health.
A. to B. at C. for D. in
11. We keep our classroom clean, “clean”在本句中作________.
A. 主语 B. 宾语 C. 表语 D. 宾补
12. I often hear him ________ in the room.
A. to sing B. sang C. sing D. singing
13. She gets out of school and ______her way home.
A. walks B. gets C. makes D. takes
14. It’s raining outside. You'd better _________ a raincoat with you.
A. bring B. take C. carry D. get
15. My boys, help ________ to some fish.
A. yourself B. yourselves C. himself D. herself
16. Let’s have a rest, _______?
A. will you B. won’t you C. shall we D. shan’t we
17. Why don’t men do ______ housework at home in India?
A. a bit B. a bit of C. a little of D. a few
18. He told me_____ you anything.
A. don’t bring B. not bring C. not to bring D. don’t take
19. My little sister is ________ go to school.
A. too young to B. too young too C. to young to D. to young too
20. Must I do my homework now? No, you_______.
A. mustn’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. may not
21. School is over at half past five. Everyone must finish their work______5:20 pm.
A. at B. by C. in D. on
22. If it ______tomorrow, I will stay at home.
A. will rain B. rained C. is raining D. rains
23. The water ______warm.
A. is feeling B. feels C. will feel D. felt
24. “You mustn’t go to bed before ten.” ______ “You mustn't go to bed until ten.”
A. says B. means C. tells D. wants
25. My parents often _______ with each other about my studies.
A. quarrel B. complain C. help D. say
1. Would you like _______(have) dinner with me?
2. Do you usually do some ________(clean) on Sundays?
3. Neither my father nor my brother ________(help) us.
4. If it ________(not rain) tomorrow, we’ll have a picnic.
5. You’d better _________(ask) the policeman over there.
6. It's important for you ________(learn) English well.
7. They had to work for hours to stop the ship from _______(go) down.
8. What ________ you _______(do) when the bell rang?
9. Do you know the boy _______(call) Jack?
10. How did Ling Feng make the baby _______(stop) crying?
1. You’re a student. I’m a student, too. (合并成一句)
_________ you _________ I ________ ________.
2. American fast food seems to be the most popular in the world. (改为同义句)
_____ _____ ______American fast food is the most popular in the world.
3. After he said these words, he went out of the room. (同义句转换)
________ ________ ________ , he went out of the room.
4. Something is wrong with him. (变成否定句)
______ _________ wrong with him.
5. You’d better finish your homework today. (改为否定句)
You’d ________ ________ finish your homework today.
(An old woman is standing on a street corner. She looks worried because she is lost in a big city.)
A: What’s the 1_____? Can I 2_____ you, granny?
B: I’m going to the 3______to see my husband. He is 4_____in hospital. But I don't know the 5______. How can I 6______to the hospital?
A: 7______ down this street until you 8______the second traffic light. Then 9_____right. Soon you will see the hospital. You won't 10______it.
B: Thank you very much.
The sun, the moon 1_____the stars are in the sky. We see the sun 2_____ the daytime and the moon and the stars at night. We see well during the day because it is light. We do not see so 3_____ at night because it is 4____.
Daylight comes from the sun. The sun gives a strong light, but 5_____ gives only a faint (暗淡)light.
If we draw the curtain (窗帘), it keeps dark in the 6_____ , when it is dark we must turn 7_____ the light if we want to see. The sun 8_____in the east and goes down in the 9_____. Day begins in the morning and ends in the evening. 10_____begins in the evening and ends in the morning.
1. A. or B. so C. and D. but
2. A. in B. at C. from D. with
3. A. badly B. poorly C. good D. well
4. A. black B. weak C. too bright D. dark
5. A. the earth B. the moon C. the sun D. the star
6. A. room B. open C. sky D. field
7. A. off B. over C. on D. in
8. A. grows B. rises(升起) C. raises (举起) D. gets up
9. A. west B. east C. south D. north
10. A. Afternoon B. Night C. Evening D. Time
One day Daddy and I went out for a walk. On the way we saw a lot of people. We went up and had a look. Oh dear! What did we see? There was a donkey (驴) in the middle of the road. It would not move. The cars and buses could not get past.
Then a policeman came. “Whose donkey is this?” he asked. “It's mine,” said a farmer, “but I can't move it.” The policeman and the farmer did their best to move the donkey, but it would not move. We laughed, but the drivers of cars and buses were worried. “We can't move the donkey,” the farmer and the policeman said. “What shall we do?”
“Give him a carrot!” my father said.
“That’s a good idea!” said the farmer.
Soon he found a carrot and showed it to the donkey. When the donkey saw the carrot, it jumped up and walked after the farmer. All the cars and buses could get past at last!
1. I went out for a walk______.
A. with my grandma B. with my Daddy C. by myself D. with my friend
2. The donkey was______.
A. on the way to work B. the strongest animal
C. in the middle of the load
D. pleased to see so many cars and buses
3. Daddy and I______.
A. helped to move away the donkey
B. went up and saw a donkey there
C. waited for the buses pass first
D. saw the donkey was ill
4. The farmer and the policeman ______.
A. loved the donkey
B. were very good friends
C. were worried about the donkey
D. wanted to move the donkey
5. The donkey wouldn’t move itself because______.
A. it was hungry B. it was too late
C. it has a rest D. he liked the cars
In England, people don’t usually talk much. You can go on a bus, or in a train, and every one sits looking out of the window. Often they read. They read books and newspapers. But they don't talk much.
When you meet English people, they often talk about one thing, the weather. So when you meet somebody in England, you can say, “Nice weather for the time of year!”
“But it was a little cold yesterday,” somebody may answer.
“But it got a bit warmer later,” you can say.
Talk like this, and the English will think “How friendly you are!”
6. English people often ______ on a bus.
A. talk much B. talk about C. eat something D. read papers
7. When you meet English people, talk like this: ______
A. How do you do! B. How are you!
C. Nice weather! D. Nice to meet you!
8. If you talk with the English people about the weather, they will think______.
A. you are friendly B. you are right
C. you are English D. you talk too much
9. English people always hope the weather will get______.
A. better B. warmer C. colder D. hotter
10. Which is right? ______.
A. English people like to talk on a bus
B. English people didn't enjoy the best weather
C. English people are the most friendly
D. English people don't talk much

参考答案 I .1.Sooner 2.Neither 3 .library 4 .mistakes 6.crossing 7.lost 8.waiting 9.worried 10.awake 11. B 12. C 13. B 14. C 15. A
II . 1. C 2.C 3. C 4. D 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. C 11. D 12. C 13. C 14. B 15. B 16. C 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. C 21. B 22. D 23. B 24. B 25.A
III .1.to have 2.cleaning 3.helps 4.doesn’t rain 5.ask 6.to learn 7.going 8.were, doing 9.called 10.stop
Ⅳ.1. Both, and, are students 2.It seems that 3.with these words 4. Nothing is 5.better not
V.1.matter 2.help 3.hospital 4.ill 5.way 6.get 7.Walk/Go 8.reach 9.turn 10.miss
VI .1- 5 CADDB 6 - 10 ACBAB
VII.1. B 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. D


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